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Date Loaded:
20 Nov 2020 07:54:11
Item Information
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
Cross References
Copyright End Year:
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Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
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Page Nos List:
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Vol 0 Iss: 0
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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Key Words 
Index Aa-in-circle, & similar censor marks   
Index advertising: P/Ms   
Index Afrika Korps, O/P   
Index Afrika Korps, O/P   
Index air balloon   
Index aircraft   
Index aircraft on stamps   
Index airmail   
Index airmail: semi-official   
Index airmail: semi-official   
Index airmail: semi-official: Rhine & Main   
Index airmail: semi-official: Rhine & Main   
Index airmail: South America, in   
Index airships   
Index Allied Zones after WW2   
Index Alpenvorland-Adria, Dienstpost   
Index Alpenvorland-Adria, Dienstpost   
Index Alpenvorland-Adria, Dienstpost   
Index Altenburg   
Index Altona Post   
Index Anglo-American Zone after WW2   
Index Antique German script   
Index Apolda private posts   
Index Arbeitsdienst   
Index Archaic German script   
Index Archiv für Postgeschichte in Bayern   
Index Archiv für Postgeschichte in Bayern   
Index ATM   
Index Auschwitz   
Index Auslandsbriefprufstelle   
Index Auslandsbriefprufstelle   
Index Auslands Organisation (originally Auslandsabteilung der NSDAP) 4.7.356, 4.8.400, 10.1.18   
Index Austro-German Anschluss   
Index Automatic mail handling: Lumogen, developed for   
Index Automatic mail handling: Lumogen, developed for   
Index Baden: Eilpost   
Index Baden: French Zone, after WW2   
Index Baden: postal history, 1677-1851   
Index Bahnpost   
Index balloon   
Index Bavaria (Bayern): Revolution, 1918-19   
Index Bavaria (Bayern): Revolution, 1918-19   
Index BDM (Bund Deutscher Mädel)   
Index BDM (Bund Deutscher Mädel)   
Index Berlin   
Index Berlin: Airlift   
Index Berlin: Airlift   
Index Berlin: Airlift: Uncle Wiggley Wings   
Index Berlin: Blockade   
Index Berlin: Notopfer Steuermarke   
Index Berlin: private posts   
Index Bernburg Post   
Index Bezirksstempel (Soviet Zone)   
Index BFPO   
Index Bizone   
Index Bochum posts   
Index Boten Institutes (Messenger Posts)   
Index Bourbon-Hapsburg   
Index box numbers   
Index Braunschweig   
Index Bremen: forgeries   
Index Briefmarke als Notgeld   
Index Brustschild embossed issue, Kaiserreich   
Index buildings: series   
Index Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM)   
Index Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM)   
Index Burg Lipzi   
Index Burg Lipzi   
Index cachets   
Index camp posts & mails   
Index cancellations   
Index cash franking   
Index castle   
Index catalogue of   
Index censor marks   
Index censor marks   
Index censorship: for tax purposes, 1918-23   
Index Chemnitz post   
Index China   
Index cinderella items   
Index city posts   
Index clandestine addresses   
Index cleaning stamps of indelible pencil   
Index cleaning stamps of indelible pencil   
Index coats-of-arms   
Index coats-of-arms: Brustschild embossed issue, Kaiserreich   
Index colonial: mourning labels for lost colonies   
Index colonies, German   
Index Commission für Retourbriefe   
Index Communist resistance to Nazi movement   
Index computer: stamps   
Index concessions & concessionary labels   
Index Concorde   
Index Condor Legion   
Index Condor (zeppelin) markings   
Index cork O/Ps   
Index Courier posts   
Index Courier Service, DDR   
Index Count   
Index Croatia   
Index Crüsemann’s ‘Deutsche Marine-Schiffspost Handbooks’, transl. W. Scheck, ed. M. Sentinella   
Index currency reform   
Index Cursive script   
Index Customs: exclusion zone   
Index cycle   
Index Dachau   
Index Day of the ...   
Index DDR   
Index DDR: Five Year Plan series   
Index DDR: Five Year Plan series   
Index dead letter office: seals   
Index designers of stamps   
Index design error on stamp   
Index Dessau post   
Index Deutsche Demokratische Republik   
Index Deutsche Lufthansa (DLH)   
Index Deutsch-Ostafrika   
Index Deutsch-Österreichischer Post Verein   
Index Deutsch-Südwestafrika   
Index Dick, Moritz, postal enterprises of   
Index Dolfuss label   
Index Dora   
Index Dresden: Hansa post   
Index Dresden: Office of Postal Inspection   
Index Droits de tirage speciaux (DTS; Special Drawing Rights)   
Index Durchlaufstempel   
Index Durchlaufstempel   
Index Dutch   
Index East Africa   
Index Eilbestellung   
Index Eilboten, changed to Eilzustellung   
Index Eilboten, changed to Eilzustellung   
Index Eilpost   
Index Eilpost   
Index Eilzustellung   
Index Einschreiben   
Index Eisenbahn   
Index emergency: cards   
Index emergency: money from stamps   
Index emergency: money from stamps   
Index errors on stamps   
Index essays, trials, specimens & proofs   
Index essays, trials, specimens & proofs   
Index Eternal Jew exhibition   
Index Ewige Jude exhibition   
Index exchange control, 1918-25   
Index exchange partners for DDR collectors   
Index expatriates’ organisation   
Index expertisation   
Index express (messenger)   
Index fakes   
Index fantasy   
Index Feldeisenbahn   
Index Feldpost   
Index Feldpost: volunteer legions of the Third Reich   
Index Five Year Plan series   
Index flag P/Ms   
Index flaws on   
Index fluorescence   
Index folk tales on stamps   
Index forerunners   
Index forgery by: Allied Intelligence   
Index forgery, detection in   
Index forgery of   
Index Fournier, François   
Index Frachtpost   
Index Frama labels (as distinct from ATM)   
Index Frama labels (as distinct from ATM)   
Index Frankfurt am Main   
Index franking meters   
Index Freistaat   
Index Führing, Anna   
Index G P/M, from Braunschweig   
Index G P/M, from Braunschweig   
Index Ganzsachen   
Index Gdańsk   
Index Gebühr bezahlt   
Index Gebühr bezahlt: cash franking   
Index Gebühr bezahlt: cash franking   
Index Gefälligkeitsstempel   
Index Generalgouvernement   
Index German: postal history   
Index German-Austrian Postal Union   
Index German colonies   
Index German colonies: mourning labels   
Index German East Africa   
Index German Post Offices abroad   
Index German South-West Africa   
Index German states   
Index German states: currencies of   
Index Germania: model for   
Index Germania: stamps: Reichspost issues   
Index Germania: stamps: Reichspost issues   
Index Göring mini-sheet   
Index Graf Spee   
Index Graf Zeppelin   
Index Graf Zeppelin I   
Index Graf Zeppelin II   
Index Great Elector, the   
Index Grosser Kurfürst   
Index Halberstadt post   
Index Hamburg: Boten   
Index Hamburg: Institute posts   
Index Hamburg: tram post   
Index handstamps   
Index Hansa Verkehrs-Anstalt, Dresden   
Index Hela Peninsula   
Index heraldry, history of   
Index heraldry, history of   
Index Herion posts   
Index Highway TPO   
Index Hindenburg   
Index Holy Roman Empire, history of   
Index Holy Roman Empire, history of   
Index Holstentor   
Index HOPs   
Index Hoster cancelling   
Index Hultschiner Ländchen   
Index Im Briefkasten vorgefunden   
Index Im Briefkasten vorgefunden   
Index Imperial yacht   
Index Institute Hamburg Boten   
Index insured letter   
Index International Red Cross: search services for missing persons   
Index International Red Cross: search services for missing persons   
Index interruption of mails in wartime   
Index Jugendstil   
Index Kaiser’s yacht   
Index Kaliningrad   
Index KdF   
Index Kiautschou   
Index Kiel: regatta   
Index Kneipp, Sebastian   
Index Konstanz   
Index Krakau   
Index Kriegs-Fürsorge label   
Index Kristallnacht   
Index Labour Corps   
Index Laibach Province   
Index Landjahr   
Index Landkraftpost (motorised rural mail)   
Index leaflet raids   
Index League of German Girls (BDM)   
Index League of German Girls (BDM)   
Index Leipzig: private posts   
Index letter handling, automated   
Index Ley, Dr Robert   
Index Ley, Dr Robert   
Index linear coding sorting system   
Index Lisbon, PO Box 506   
Index local posts   
Index Los Angeles   
Index lost colonies & territories, 1918   
Index lost territories, 1945   
Index Loth, unit of weight   
Index Loth, unit of weight   
Index Lübeck: local posts   
Index Luftbrücke   
Index Luftfeldpost service   
Index LZ   
Index Magdeburg post   
Index mail coach   
Index mail trams   
Index Malmedy   
Index Mannheim post   
Index Marienkirche   
Index Marine (the German Navy)   
Index masonry   
Index Mauritius, Jewish Detention Camp   
Index Messenger Posts (Boten Institutes)   
Index missing persons tracing services   
Index missing persons tracing services   
Index mixed frankings   
Index mixed frankings   
Index Moresnet: private post   
Index Morocco, German POs in   
Index Moskauer Hilfskomitee   
Index mountain troops   
Index movies   
Index Munich (München): Posts   
Index Museum   
Index Nachgebühr   
Index Namibia   
Index New Guinea   
Index Notgeld   
Index Notopfer Steuermarke   
Index Notpostamt   
Index Nuremberg (Nürnberg): Courier post   
Index Oberschlesien   
Index occupation: postal services   
Index occupation: by Germany (or Axis) of: Sudetenland   
Index occupation: by Germany (or Axis) of: Sudetenland   
Index Official: post   
Index Official: stamps   
Index Oflag (Offizier Lager)   
Index old German script, decipherment   
Index overprint (O/P)   
Index overprint (O/P): defacing & obliterative   
Index overprint (O/P): Polish Otwock O/Ps on Germania stamps   
Index Packetbegleitbrief   
Index Packetbegleitbrief   
Index parody labels   
Index parody labels: from unofficial sources: Europa parody, Einheit Deutschland 1963   
Index parody labels: from unofficial sources: Europa parody, Einheit Deutschland 1963   
Index parody labels: from unofficial sources: Hamburg Gaswerke   
Index Party Rallies   
Index Pétain, Marshal Henri   
Index phosphor coatings   
Index pneumatic post   
Index police, civil & SS mails in the Protectorate, 1939-45: perfins (POL)   
Index postal: administration   
Index postal: automation   
Index postal: censorship   
Index postal: district numbers   
Index postal: forgeries   
Index postal museums in Germany   
Index postal rates   
Index postal rates: in inflation period   
Index postal stationery   
Index postcard: Norddeutscher Lloyd steam ships   
Index postcard: Norddeutscher Lloyd steam ships   
Index postcard: propaganda   
Index postcode   
Index postmark (P/M)   
Index postmark (P/M): to order   
Index postmark (P/M): Wanderstempeln   
Index postmark (P/M): Wanderstempeln   
Index post offices: abroad   
Index Postschutz   
Index POW   
Index POW: Ruhleben, WW1   
Index printers’: proofs   
Index printers’: specimens & trials   
Index prisoner of war   
Index private local posts: of Hamburg   
Index private local posts: of Hamburg   
Index propaganda   
Index Protectorate   
Index provisional issues   
Index Prussia (Preussen): French accountancy marks   
Index Putsch, Vienna 1934   
Index rail post   
Index Red Cross   
Index Reichskolonialbund   
Index Reichsdruckerei   
Index Reichsparteitage   
Index repairing & restoring stamps   
Index repairing & restoring stamps   
Index resettlement camps for Luxembourg deportees   
Index resettlement camps for Luxembourg deportees   
Index resistance to Nazi movement   
Index return to sender   
Index revenue stamps   
Index revenue stamps   
Index Rhine Flotilla, 1918   
Index road TPO   
Index road post   
Index Rommel, Generalfeldmarschall Erwin   
Index Royal   
Index Royal: Airship Division (KLA)   
Index Royal: yacht   
Index RR O/Ps   
Index rural mails   
Index Russian Zone after WW2   
Index Sächsische Schwärzungen, 1945   
Index Sächsische Schwärzungen, 1945   
Index Saxony (Sachsen): blackings   
Index Saxony (Sachsen): ‘Postal History’ by J P Mackey   
Index Schiffspost (ship post)   
Index Schütte-Lanz   
Index seapost (Seepost)   
Index security   
Index Seepost   
Index service suspended   
Index service suspended   
Index shades   
Index sheet margins   
Index shield issues of the Kaiserreich   
Index ship post   
Index signature   
Index slogan   
Index Sonderannahme   
Index South-West Africa   
Index Spanish Civil War   
Index special acceptance P/Ms   
Index special emergency mail collections   
Index Spitler stamp   
Index Stadt-Brief-Beförderung   
Index Stadtpost   
Index stamp design   
Index stamp design   
Index stamp design: error   
Index stamp used as money   
Index stamp used as money   
Index stamp vending machine   
Index State Printing Works   
Index States, German   
Index steamer posts: on Lake Constance   
Index steamer posts: on Starnbergersee   
Index Steuermarke (Notopfer), 1945   
Index Strasburg private posts   
Index Strassenbahn   
Index streetcar post   
Index Strength through Joy   
Index Stuka dive-bomber   
Index submarine mail   
Index subversive stamps & materials   
Index synagogue labels, 1968   
Index Tauchboot Briefverkehr   
Index tax & currency checks on mails   
Index tax & currency checks on mails   
Index Taxe perçue   
Index Third Reich   
Index Third Reich: Stamps of the Third Reich, by W. Scheck & A. Harper:   
Index Thurn & Taxis   
Index tracing services for missing persons   
Index tracing services for missing persons   
Index Travelling Post Office (TPO), rail   
Index Travelling Post Office (TPO), road   
Index Tupolev   
Index Turkey, German POs in   
Index Überlandpost   
Index Umschläge auf Privat Bestellung   
Index undercover addresses   
Index undercover addresses: of Germans in Condor Legion   
Index Unzulässig (inadmissable) marking   
Index Unzulässig (inadmissable) marking   
Index Upper Silesia   
Index variety   
Index Verwaltungspost   
Index vignette   
Index Volksstaat   
Index Volunteer Legion   
Index Vorausflug   
Index Vorläufer   
Index weights & measures in German States   
Index weights & measures in German States   
Index Wertbrief (insured letter)   
Index WHW   
Index Wiederaufbau   
Index Wilhelm Gustloff, cruise ship   
Index Winkler, Max   
Index Winter Relief Fund   
Index Würmsee   
Index Yellow Dog   
Index Yugoslavia   
Index Zensurpost (Third Reich)   
Index Zensurpost (Third Reich)   
Index Zentraler Kurierdienst   
Index zeppelins   
Index zeppelins: VC award   
Index zeppelins: ZR 3   
Index Zollverein   
Index Zug (train) numbers   
Index Zurück [an Absender] marking