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Date Loaded:
20 Nov 2020 07:54:11
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Series Title:
Item Title:
April? 1964
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Apr 1964 Presumed to be April 1964.
Number of Pages:
Vol 1 Iss: 2
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
No data to display
Key Words 
Index Bolshevism Unmasked, 1937: Sudetenfahrt der deutschen Technik   
Index Postleitzahl: same number allocated to two towns   
Index Sudetenland: Sudetenfahrt der deutschen Technik   
Index technology exhibition, Sudetenland, 1938   
Index Boxer Rebellion: Marine Schiffspost, troop & supply-ships   
Index Marine (the German Navy): Schiffspost:   
Index Netherlands, the: occupation issues   
Index occupation: by Germany (or Axis) of: Netherlands, the   
Index perfins: Netherlands 2c, 1944, with Red Cross underprint   
Index stamp designer: Dutch, 1943   
Index forgery of: cachet, O/P or P/M: Germany.Mi 134 II to 138 II, 151y & 338 I   
Index Steuermarke (Notopfer), 1945   
Index variety: of watermark, inverted: Bund, Posthorn issue   
Index variety: of watermark, inverted: Bund, Heuss 1954, Mi 182   
Index variety: of watermark, inverted: Bund, Steuermarke 1948, Mi 1B   
Index variety: of watermark, inverted: Third Reich, 1 RM Danzig O/P, 1939, Mi 728x   
Index Old Berlin issue   
Index castle: Kaub   
Index castle: Pfalzgrafenstein   
Index castle: P/Ms   
Index Pfalzgrafenstein   
Index Humboldt, Alexander von   
Index Deutsche Schutzgebiete und Auslandspostämter   
Index Hamburg: Postal History to 1859   
Index Anglo-American Zone after WW2: Buildings series: catalogue of (Wittman)   
Index catalogue of: Allied Zone Buildings issue (Wittman)   
Index Bautenserie Katalog (7th edn)   
Index castle: Elbogen   
Index Frankfurt am Main: Römer, the   
Index castle: Hohentwiel   
Index castle: Schreckenstein   
Index Winterhilfswerk (WHW, Winter Relief Fund): slogan P/Ms   
Index Schütz, Heinrich   
Index Hand Overprints (HOPs): Soviet Zone   
Index Soviet Zone (Sowjetische Zone) after WW2: currency reform, Hand Overprints   
Index Gebühr bezahlt: DDR, 1948   
Index Inflation period: provisional issues: 1 Jan 1922 - 31 Oct 1923   
Index Gebühr bezahlt: tax perçue, 1918   
Index Inflation period: official stamps   
Index German National Memorial, 1833   
Index Germania: German National Memorial, 1833   
Index German New Guinea: postal history   
Index postal history: German New Guinea   
Index Graetz, Paul   
Index zeppelins: New Guinea survey aborted   
Index occupation: by Australia of New Guinea, 1914