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Date Loaded:
20 Nov 2020 07:54:11
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Series Title:
Item Title:
August 1964
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Aug 1964
Number of Pages:
Vol 1 Iss: 4
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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No data to display
Key Words 
Index anti-Bolshevik exhibitions in the Third Reich:   
Index Beck, Col.-General Ludwig   
Index Bomb Plot, July 20th   
Index Bonhoeffer, Pastor Dietrich   
Index Delp, Alfred   
Index Goerdeler, Karl-Friedrich   
Index July 20th Bomb Plot   
Index miniature sheet: July 20th Bomb Plot   
Index resistance to Nazi movement: July 20th Bomb Plot   
Index Scholl, Sophie   
Index Leuschner, Wilhelm   
Index Moltke: Helmuth James Graf von   
Index Ottobeuren Abbey   
Index Stauffenberg, Col. Claus Schenk Graf von   
Index Boxer Rebellion: Marine Schiffspost, troop & supply-ships   
Index Marine (the German Navy): Schiffspost:   
Index Teutonic Knights, Order of   
Index castle: Marienburg   
Index Brief (letter), etymology   
Index expertisation: mistaken (Lippschütz) on Berlin O/Ps   
Index forgery of: Berlin New Buildings series: O/Ps   
Index variety: of watermark, inverted: Bund, Posthorn issue   
Index forgery of: cachet, O/P or P/M: Memel issues   
Index Thurn & Taxis: Obertiefenbach P/Ms, Nos. 340 & 357   
Index Old Berlin issue   
Index Displaced Persons (DP) camps: for evacuee Hitler Youth in Kutno, Poland   
Index Hitler Youth (HJ, Hitler Jugend)   
Index Poland: evacuation of children to   
Index Eupen & Malmedy: special P/Ms for annexation, 1940   
Index Moresnet: special P/M for annexation, 1940   
Index Anglo-American Zone after WW2: AM Post (Allied Military Government Post): marginal sheet markings   
Index Anglo-American Zone after WW2: AM Post (Allied Military Government Post): trial printings   
Index essays, trials, specimens & proofs:   
Index marginal sheet markings: AM Post trial printings   
Index Spanish Civil War: Condor Legion: faked covers   
Index Bolshevism Unmasked exhibition, 1937   
Index Bolshevism Unmasked, 1937   
Index Bolshevism Unmasked, 1937: Soviet Paradise (Das Sowjet Paradies)   
Index Soviet Paradise (Das Sowjet Paradies) exhibition   
Index Schönerer, Georg Ritter von   
Index German New Guinea: postal history & seapost   
Index postal history: Seapost   
Index seapost (Seepost): postal history of