Index |
catalogue of: postal stationery: 1850-1932
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Index |
Channel Islands: civil & military P/Ms
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Index |
Channel Islands: Hennig, Karl, confections of
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Index |
Hennig, Karl: confections of Channel Islands
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Index |
forgery of: cachet, O/P or P/M: Polish (Otwock), on Germania
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Index |
Polish: O/Ps on Germania issues, 1918-19
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Index |
Germania: stamps: Otwock O/Ps & P/Ms
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Index |
exchange control, 1918-25: Dresden office
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Index |
return to sender: due to import restriction
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Index |
Prussia (Preussen): express postage system
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Index |
express mail & express delivery in Prussia
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Index |
Rohrpost (pneumatic post): Berlin: used for express delivery
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Index |
express labels to addresses abroad 1908
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Index |
La Posta Militare Italiana, 1940-1943
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Index |
West Berlin: Belege zur Währungsreform, 1948-1949 (4th edn)
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Index |
Stadtpost der Hauptstadt Warschau, 1915-1918
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Index |
Third Reich and Occupied Areas Postal Stationery Concordance
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Index |
Who's Who in Nazi Germany
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Index |
Vom Schwabenmeer zur Theaterstadt im Luftschiff [The Meiningen zeppelin flight, 1931]
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Index |
Wappen von Danzig [The Danzig Arms issue]
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