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Date Loaded:
20 Nov 2020 07:54:11
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Series Title:
Item Title:
June 1971
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Jun 1971
Number of Pages:
Vol 7 Iss: 3
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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No data to display
Key Words 
Index Holland, distinguished from the Netherlands   
Index Moltke, battleship: war relief (Kriegs-Fürsorge) label   
Index Netherlands, the: distinguished from Holland   
Index Frisian Islands   
Index airmail: semi-official   
Index Bork-Brück airpost:   
Index postal history: Germany, 1911-1919   
Index semi-official air stamps   
Index airmail: semi-official   
Index Gelber Hund (Euler biplane)   
Index Regensburg: air-post   
Index Rhein-Main airpost, 1912   
Index Weimar Republic   
Index Netherlands, the: occupation issues   
Index occupation: by Germany (or Axis) of: Netherlands, the   
Index Seyss-Inquart, Arthur: Reichsminister for the Netherlands   
Index anti-Bolshevik exhibitions in the Third Reich: P/Ms in the Netherlands   
Index Netherlands, the: Dienstpost P/Ms: anti-Bolshevik   
Index Bahnpost: in the Netherlands   
Index photosensitive films for watermark of stamps on cover   
Index watermark detection, stamps on cover   
Index Feldpost: naval   
Index Marine (the German Navy): Feldpost numbers, WW2   
Index Austro-German Postal Union, 1850-75   
Index Bavaria (Bayern): postal rates: 1849   
Index Customs: Union   
Index German Confederation, 1849-51   
Index German states: first adhesive stamps   
Index postal history: German Confederation, 1849-51   
Index postal rates: in Austro-German Postal Union, 1850   
Index postal rates: in Bavaria, 1849   
Index first stamp issues of Austria & German States   
Index engravers’ secret marks: Baden   
Index Handel, George Frederick   
Index Luther, Martin, & the Reformation   
Index Worms, Diät   
Index hop cultivation, special P/Ms   
Index Bavaria (Bayern): Revolution, 1918-19   
Index Bavaria (Bayern): Volkstaat and Freistaat   
Index Eisner, Kurt   
Index Revolution, Bavarian, 1918-19   
Index censorship: by the Allies after WW2   
Index Inflation period: personal recollections   
Index Notgeld   
Index Bahnpost: registration labels on mail from abroad   
Index registration label: on foreign mails   
Index Travelling Post Office (TPO), rail: registered foreign mails in transit   
Index Generalgouvernement: Famous Men issue, Mi 120-122