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Date Loaded:
20 Nov 2020 07:54:11
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Series Title:
Item Title:
December 1971
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
245-294 pp.274-275 do not exist.
Dec 1971
Number of Pages:
Vol 7 Iss: 6
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
No data to display
Key Words 
Index propaganda: postcards: German origin: anti-Nazi, MGH monogram   
Index DDR: exchange partners for collectors: regulations   
Index Moltke, battleship: war relief (Kriegs-Fürsorge) label   
Index zeppelins: Luftschiffbau-: Eckener Spende, fund-raising   
Index England, village in Schleswig-Holstein   
Index exhibiting: judges’ criteria   
Index black-listed values   
Index Spanish Civil War: Condor Legion: forwarding address   
Index Spanish Civil War: Condor Legion: Winkler, Max   
Index Kiel: Yachting Week   
Index Automatic mail handling: letter coding & sorting   
Index letter boxes   
Index tram post   
Index catalogue of: Zeppelin post (Sieger)   
Index zeppelins: P/Ms & cachets: types explained   
Index airships: Schütte-Lanz (SL-series): VC for destruction of   
Index Anschlussflug (connecting flight) P/M   
Index Beschädigungsstempel (damaged-mail cachet)   
Index war utility railway locomotive   
Index Anschluss: Austro-German: Dolfuss label   
Index argon lamp   
Index Berlin: O/Ps of Allied Zone, red, Jan. 1949: argon lamp test for   
Index fluorescence: testing of Berlin red O/Ps   
Index forgery, detection in: Berlin red O/P, by argon lamp   
Index forgery of: Berlin New Buildings series: O/Ps   
Index Croatia: stamps of   
Index Yugoslavia: internecine violence, 1945-present   
Index Feldpost: naval   
Index Marine (the German Navy): Feldpost numbers, WW2   
Index Murnau, Oflag VIIA   
Index POW: camps, WW2   
Index POW: Oflag VIIA, Murnau   
Index Gebühr bezahlt: cash franking   
Index parcel card, mode of use   
Index postal history: Germany, 1945-1948   
Index private local posts: of Leipzig   
Index Hilter-head stamps: defacements & obliterations, 1945   
Index postal stationery: obsolete, postal use of   
Index Displaced Persons (DP) camps: in American & British Zones   
Index Schiffspost (ship post): unofficial, rapaciousness of   
Index Alsace (Elsass), German occupation in WW2 of   
Index occupation: by Germany (or Axis) of: Alsace