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Date Loaded:
20 Nov 2020 07:54:11
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Series Title:
Item Title:
April 1980
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
61-120 + iv)
Apr 1980
Number of Pages:
Vol 16 Iss: 2
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
No data to display
Key Words 
Index Oberammergau Passion Play   
Index Lufthansa: Deutsche Luft Hansa AG, 1926   
Index Lufthansa: operations before WW2   
Index Lufthansa: named Lufthansa, 1 Jan 34   
Index Rohrbach, Roland   
Index Lufthansa: Reichspost services   
Index Junkers Luftverkehr: G38   
Index zeppelins: LZ 127 (Graf Zeppelin l): England flight: 1930   
Index Danzig, Freie Stadt Danzig, Polnische Post in Danzig: Bewertung der Poststempel   
Index Freie Stadt Danzig, 1920-1939: Bewertung der Poststempel   
Index The Goebbels Diaries: The Last Days   
Index The Embossed Shield Issues of 1872, specialised catalogue   
Index German Scout Units in Belgium during World War I   
Index propaganda: postcards: German origin: charity surcharges, Third Reich   
Index propaganda: postcards: German origin: eulogising Nazis, 1925-39   
Index propaganda: postcards: German origin: Get to know Germany series   
Index semi-postal stamp issues, Third Reich   
Index French Zone after WW2: Arms & Poets issue   
Index French Zone after WW2: marginal sheet-markings   
Index French Zone after WW2: Minister & Collective Blocks   
Index French Zone after WW2: O/Ps: Wohnungsbauabgabe, on Steuermarke   
Index French Zone after WW2: provincial issues   
Index currency reform: in French Zone   
Index airmail: Forwarding Office, Köln-Bonn   
Index Anglo-American Zone after WW2: Buildings series: design, production & forgeries   
Index currency reform: in Anglo-American Zone: first definitives   
Index forgery of: perforation on Allied Zone Buildings series   
Index Danish Nazi Party & SS   
Index Schalburg, Colonel Friederich von   
Index Magistratspost   
Index mixed frankings:   
Index Postal War, 1948-62;: Nachgebühr markings   
Index Automatic mail handling: linear coding letter sorting system   
Index forgery by: Allied Intelligence: of Hindenburg 12pf red, 1934   
Index forgery of: Hindenburg 12 pf carmine