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Date Loaded:
20 Nov 2020 07:54:11
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Series Title:
Item Title:
February 1981
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Includes Monograph: Deutsche Marine-Schiffspost Part 1 by Crüsemann
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
Physical Description:
Wrongly dated 1980 on title page (but correct on running footers)
Page Nos List:
Feb 1981
Number of Pages:
Vol 17 Iss: 1
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
No data to display
Key Words 
Index German: P/Ms: wartime conveyance of mail   
Index Bund und Berlin Abarten Katalog 1980   
Index Die Funknachrichtenkarten der Eingeschlossenen Kanal- und Atlantikfestungen, 1944-45   
Index Catalogue of Displaced Persons, Prisoners of War, Concentration Camp and Ghetto Stamps during and after World War II in Germany, Part II   
Index Chronologische Ausstellung der Luftpoststempeln zu den Leipziger Messen, 1949-79   
Index Post-Siegelmarken [Postal seals]   
Index A Postal History Study of the Ruhleben POW Camp, 1914-1918   
Index Lufthansa-Flugpost-Handbuch   
Index Die Württembergischen Wanderstempel, 1882-33   
Index Verzeichnis der Postorte im Sudetenland (vom Pre-Philatelie bis 1945)   
Index seapost (Seepost): flag P/Ms   
Index Bavaria (Bayern): postal rates: 1875-1916   
Index postal rates: in Germany, Bavaria & Württemberg, 1875-1916   
Index Württemberg: postal rates, 1875-1916   
Index Lufthansa: North Atlantic catapult flights   
Index catapult mail, later known as Schleuderflug   
Index Beck, Col.-General Ludwig   
Index Bomb Plot, July 20th   
Index Bonhoeffer, Pastor Dietrich   
Index Delp, Alfred   
Index Goerdeler, Karl-Friedrich   
Index July 20th Bomb Plot   
Index miniature sheet: July 20th Bomb Plot   
Index resistance to Nazi movement: July 20th Bomb Plot   
Index Scholl, Sophie   
Index Hitler, Adolf: attempted assassination   
Index Leuschner, Wilhelm   
Index Moltke: Helmuth James Graf von   
Index Stauffenberg, Col. Claus Schenk Graf von   
Index Horst Wessel   
Index propaganda: postcards: German origin: eulogising Nazis, 1925-39   
Index Wessel, Horst   
Index propaganda: postcards: German origin: charity surcharges, Third Reich   
Index Anschluss: Austro-German:   
Index propaganda: postcards: German origin: claiming Sudetenland   
Index zeppelins: LZ 127 (Graf Zeppelin l): Orient flight, 1929   
Index Anglo-American Zone after WW2: AM Post (Allied Military Government Post): history of stamp issues   
Index Postal War, 1948-62;: cachet & counter-cachet   
Index Horthy, Admiral Nicholas   
Index Joachim, Joseph