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Date Loaded:
20 Nov 2020 07:54:11
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Series Title:
Item Title:
August 1981
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Includes Monograph: Deutsche Marine-Schiffspost Part 4 by Crüsemann
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Aug 1981
Number of Pages:
Vol 17 Iss: 4
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
No data to display
Key Words 
Index ornaments in Prussian framed P/Ms   
Index postmark (P/M): rectangular frame, of Prussia   
Index Prussia (Preussen): P/Ms, rectangular frame   
Index forgery by: Allied Intelligence: of French Morocco issues (auction realisations)   
Index forgery by: Allied Intelligence: of Germania issues   
Index forgery by: Allied Intelligence: of Hindenburg 12pf red, 1934   
Index forgery by: Allied Intelligence: of Hitler 6 & 12 pf (American OSS)   
Index forgery by: Allied Intelligence: of Hitler 3,4,6, & 8 pf (British SOE)   
Index forgery of: Germania issues   
Index forgery of: Hindenburg 12 pf carmine   
Index parody labels: auction realisations,1981   
Index parody labels: by official subversive units: British SOE: Himmler chains civilians (realisation)   
Index parody labels: by official subversive units: German: George VI definitives   
Index parody labels: by official subversive units: German: Jubilee, Coronation & definitive issues (realisations)   
Index parody labels: from unofficial sources: Göring mini-sheet (realisation)   
Index parody labels: from unofficial sources: Spitler parody (American)   
Index parody labels: from unofficial sources: West German (of DDR), realisations   
Index German: P/Ms   
Index Heligoland (Helgoland): island and history   
Index zeppelins: LZ 127 (Graf Zeppelin l): Orient flight, 1929   
Index The Life and Times of Reinhard Heydrich   
Index The Postal History of the Nuremberg Rallies   
Index Die Schiffspost auf dem Bodensee   
Index Moselle: Eine postgeschichtiche Studie über Deutsch-Lothringen   
Index Danzig Postgeschichte   
Index Österreich 1945: Die Auflösung des ehemaligen Gaues Niederdonau und der Aufbau nach dem Ende des 2. Weltkrieges   
Index propaganda: postcards: German origin: eulogising armed forces, WW2   
Index Kosmodemyanskaya, Soya, partisan heroine   
Index Soviet Union: Kosmodemyanskaya, Soya   
Index Lufthansa: Near, Middle & Far Eastern services   
Index Lufthansa: resumption of services after WW2   
Index concentration camps: Auschwitz   
Index postal history: concentration camps   
Index postal history: Germany, 1945-1948   
Index parcel card, mode of use   
Index Bundespost: advertising envelopes   
Index Postal War, 1948-62;: unzulässig (inadmissable) adhesives: blacked   
Index Postal War, 1948-62;: unzulässig (inadmissable) adhesives: zurück an Absender marking   
Index Knockaloe, Isle of Man, POW camp mail   
Index Kragujevac massacre, 1941   
Index massacre at Kragujevac   
Index Yugoslavia: Kragujevac massacre, 1941