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Date Loaded:
20 Nov 2020 07:54:11
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Series Title:
Item Title:
October 1981
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Includes Monograph: Deutsche Marine-Schiffspost Part 5 by Crüsemann
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Oct 1981
Number of Pages:
Vol 17 Iss: 5
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
No data to display
Key Words 
Index zeppelins: LZ 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 17   
Index postmark (P/M): first TPO marks   
Index Travelling Post Office (TPO), rail: P/Ms: introduction   
Index German: P/Ms   
Index airships: pioneers: on postcards   
Index Bodensee (LZ 120)   
Index zeppelins: LZ 1 to LZ 4   
Index zeppelins: LZ 6 to LZ 17   
Index zeppelins: LZ 17 (Sachsen), history of   
Index zeppelins: LZ 120 (Bodensee)   
Index zeppelins: P/Ms & cachets: early, 1908-17   
Index airships: pioneers: cachets of   
Index Chamberlain, postcard mocking   
Index Churchill, postcard mocking   
Index propaganda: postcards: German origin: eulogising armed forces, WW2   
Index propaganda: postcards: German origin: mocking Chamberlain, Churchill, Stalin   
Index propaganda: postcards: German origin: mocking Roosevelt   
Index Bohne, Walter   
Index resistance to Nazi movement: Communist   
Index sporting celebrities honoured as martyrs   
Index Richter, Albert   
Index Schlosser, Kurt   
Index Seelenbinder, Werner   
Index Steyer, Heinz   
Index Grube, Ernst   
Index Seiffert, Rudolf   
Index Tops, Hermann   
Index Tuchola, Käte   
Index Biedermann, Kurt   
Index revenue stamps : workers’ insurance   
Index Sudetenland: Aussig, private O/P   
Index d’Allemagne, Paris receipt-mark   
Index Lufthansa: resumption of services after WW2   
Index Heydrich, Reinhard:   
Index seapost (Seepost): flag P/Ms   
Index Postal War, 1948-62;: unzulässig (inadmissable) adhesives: blacked   
Index printed papers, posted in bulk   
Index Thurn & Taxissche Poststationen an der Main-Neckar- und an der Taunus-Eisenbahn   
Index Markenheftchen Spezial Katalog Handbuch (4th edn)   
Index Prisoner of War Mail, Malta   
Index Karl Ritter von Pauerspach und seine Thurn u. Taxisschen Postvisitationen, 1782-1783   
Index Katalog über die Katapultpost (2nd edn)   
Index Grossräschen   
Index Mail Surveillance under the Third Reich   
Index Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945 [German Field Post Index]   
Index The Great Inflation: Germany, 1919-1923   
Index Die Thurn und Taxis-Post und ihre Beziehungen zur Bodensee-Dampfschiffahrt   
Index Deutsche Feldpost in Nord-Skandinavien, 1940-1945