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Date Loaded:
13 Jun 2021 13:39:39
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Series Title:
Item Title:
29 Oct 1981; Vol 143/5, WN 3544
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
29 Oct 1981
Number of Pages:
Vol 143/5 Iss: 3544
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
No data to display
Key Words 
Index 1980 miniature sheet insert card Great Britain CommemorativesQueensman
Index 1982 Programme - further details and amendments Great Britain Commemoratives 
Index Folder from PHILATOKYO Great Britain Commemoratives 
Index £5 imperf. Great Britain DefinitivesQueensman
Index withdrawal of 12p national and regional and 13p values Great Britain DefinitivesQueensman
Index New philatelic counters at Leicester, Milton Keynes and Guildford Great Britain Post OfficeQueensman
Index New stamp contract for Harrisons Great Britain Post Office 
Index Postal History of Plumstead Great Britain Postal HistoryBathe
Index Postcard news Great Britain Postal StationeryQueensman
Index Overnite express stamps Great Britain Private PostsQueensman
Index Rowland Hill souvenir Letter Great Britain  
Index First stamps agreed Alderney  
Index Philatelic News Barbuda  
Index Foreign News Belgium  
Index Foreign News Burma  
Index Change to 1981 programme Canada  
Index Postal Minister resigns Denmark  
Index Foreign News Dominican Republic  
Index Foreign News Egypt  
Index First day cancellations Letter West Germany  
Index Philatelic News Gibraltar  
Index Genoa cover Letter Italy  
Index Foreign News North Korea  
Index Philatelic News Lesotho  
Index Philatelic News Mauritius  
Index Philatelic News Montserrat  
Index Commemoratives Nicaragua  
Index Philatelic News Papua New Guinea  
Index Philatelic News Penrhyn  
Index New Issues Peru  
Index New Issues Philippines  
Index Paper varieties Philippines  
Index New Issues Poland  
Index Sets in August to December Poland  
Index New Issues Polynesia  
Index Philatelic News St Helena  
Index Philatelic News Sierra Leone  
Index Philatelic News Singapore  
Index Philatelic News South West Africa  
Index Philatelic News Swaziland  
Index Philatelic News Trinidad & Tobago  
Index 1982 programme United States  
Index Philatelic News Virgin Islands  
Index BALKANFILA VIII Letter Miscellaneous Exhibitions 
Index Open largest stamp shop in Europe Miscellaneous  
Index J. Edgar Chase Miscellaneous Obituary 
Index Picasso's birth centenary Miscellaneous Last
Index Thematic World Miscellaneous Gulliver
Index Train, Age of the Thematic World Miscellaneous