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Date Loaded:
12 Mar 2024 11:42:36
Item Information
Record Type:
Museum Archival
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Item Title:
The Crimean War - 1856. A handout from the display by the Royal Philatelic Society London, on 28th April 1994, presented by F. X. Piat.
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
The Crimean War - 1856
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Piat, F. X. (undefined)
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
Physical Description:
pages whole pp 229
Page Nos List:
1990 to 1994
Number of Pages:
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index From the Editor's Desk Switzerland London 80; XIII. Regiophil 1980; Corinphila auctionIckeringill, Paul J.
Index Stehende Helvetia 72C Switzerland Discovery storyIckeringill, Paul J.
Index Revenue corner. Handstamped Revenue Paper of Canton Fribourg, Switzerland Switzerland Lueck, Donn
Index Synopsis of Philately in Switzerland Switzerland Emphasis on good quality materialSteinberg, J.
Index Past Decade in Swiss Philately! Switzerland Value changes from 1970Chalfant, Edwin L.
Index Switzerland: Panorama of Its Postal History and Stamps. 9 Switzerland Continuation of script of slide show 'Switzerland: a panorama of its postal history and stamps'Stone, Harlan F.
Index Liechtenstein Honors Two Noble Ladies Switzerland Europa issue; Coats of Arms issueAnonymous,
Index My Favorite Cover Switzerland Smallest coverSoderberg, Ralph B.
Index From 100 Francs to 20,000 … Switzerland Austrian postal stationeryAnonymous,
Index Postal Markings and Cancellations in Switzerland and Liechtenstein - Part 78 [sic], Machine Cancellations, VI [sic, VII] Switzerland Machine cancellationsGanz, Felix
Index From the PTT Information Bulletin No. 70 Switzerland Change of cancellers to include hour reelAnonymous,
Index Letters & Letters Switzerland Corrections to misprints in Linn's Swiss issueGanz, Felix
Index Letters & Letters Switzerland Soldier stampsSchaelchli, Rudy
Index "Non-Existing" Great Lakes Charter Report Switzerland Ganz, Felix
Index Philatelic Research Switzerland Swiss PTT Library collection of cancels; British Museum postal stationery collectionScheuermann, Robert A.
Index "Tangible Assets" Switzerland Tangible assets outpace financial assetsAnonymous,
Index Postscriptum Switzerland Corrections to Zumstein-Scott conversion table (February 1977 TELL)Anonymous,