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09 Oct 2023 07:29:05
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June 2006; 2 Iss: 123
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Jun 2006
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2 Iss: 123
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Index Ethics of Restoration Restoration, Sistine Chapel, Condition and Descriptions, Cleaned and Repaired, Philatelic Ethics Demmer, Denice E.
Index First Family, First Flight United States, Air Mail, First Flights, Frontiers of Freedom, Wilson , Woodrow Kirker, Joe R.
Index Pleasurable Pursuit Began With a Black Jack Covers, United States, Black Jacks, Collecting, Presidents, Jackson, Andrew, Postmasters, Stabler, Edward Campbell, Eugene P.
Index Handbuch und Atlas der Hausauftragsnummern der Deutschen Inflationsmarken [Handbook and Atlas of German Inflation Stamps]| [book review] Germany, Inflation Period 1923, Production, Catalogs and Price Lists|- Book Review Bunse, Wilhelm and Dr. Michael Ruckert
Index The Birth of the Postage Stamp : Part 1 High Rates and Abuses Set Stage for Postal Reform Great Britain, Postal History, Postal Rates, Postal Reform, Postal Laws and Regulations Grimwood-Taylor, James
Index Unconditional Surrender' Grant United States, Grant, Ulysses S., Civil War, Covers Stromberg, William H.
Index Letter to the Editor: Decision Approved Scott Catalogs, Prices and Values LeBel, Pierre J.
Index Letter to the Editor: Check with Conservator Preservation, Collecting Accessories Philbeck, Maynard
Index Letter to the Editor: Wrong Bird United States, Postal Cards Fisher, Henry
Index Gold Fever| [book review] Collections, Gold mining, Exhibition|- Book Review Kutz, Kenneth J.
Index The Stamps & Postal History of Vancouver Island & British Columbia, 1849 - 1871: The Gerald Wellburn Collection| [book review] Collections, Wellburn, Gerald, Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia, British North America|- Book Review Eaton, Daniel and Jack Wallace (eds)
Index The 1989 DNK Catalog [1989 Germany Price Guide]| [book review] Catalogs and Price Lists, Germany|- Book Review  
Index The Norwegian Travelling Post Offices Part I: The Railway Markings (Cockrill Series Handbook No. 56)| [book review] Norway, Mobile Post Offices, Railway Mail, Postal Markings|- Book Review Chambers, Arthur
Index The Norwegian Travelling Post Offices Part II: The Shipboard Markings (Cockrill Series Handbook No. 57)| [book review] Norway, Mobile Post Offices, Maritime Mail, Postal Markings|- Book Review Chambers, Arthur
Index The Cancellations of Hungarian Post Offices on the First Issue of Hungary, 1867 - 1871| [book review] Hungary, First Issues, Postal Markings|- Book Review Ryan, Gary S.
Index My Favorite Cover; Persistence Pays! Air Mail, Postal Stationery, Air Letter Sheets, Aerogrammes, Israel Morginstine, Sid
Index Hazards of the Hobby? Stamps as Vehicles for Transmission of Microorganisms Research on microorganisms on stamps, Condition and descriptions Alam, Samina and L. P. Elliott