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09 Oct 2023 07:29:05
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Journal / Periodical
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September 2017; 3 Iss: 168
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Sep 2017
Number of Pages:
3 Iss: 168
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Index A Recreation of the First Air Mail Flight in Western Canada Canada, Air Mail, Flights, Pilots, Stinson, Katherine, World War I, Calgary Industrial Exhibition and Stampede Delaney, Hugh
Index Aviation's Early Years: From Kitty Hawk to the Air War Above the Trenches Topical Collecting, Aircraft, Pilots Gelms, Kenneth J.
Index Flying South: Air Mail Rate to Central & South America During the Prexy Era United States, Air Mail, Postal Rates, Postal Routes Schlesinger, Robert
Index From Novelty to Necessity: The Promotion of Air Mail Air Mail, Postal Service, Transportation of Mail Straight, David
Index Gearing Up for October American Philatelic Society, StampShow 2007, Portland, Oregon, Services Mastrangelo, Peter
Index Learn More, Do More, Through the APS! American Philatelic Society, Collecting, Services Carter, Nick
Index Rare Bisects Faroe Islands,Newspaper Wrappers, Postal Stationery, Bisects Cichorz, Roger S.
Index They Flew Through the Air with the Greatest of Ease: A Brief Review of U.S. Airships United States, Air Mail, Balloon Mail, Military Mail, Dirigible and Zeppelin Mail, World War I, LZ-126, USS Los Angeles ZR-3, USS Akron, USS Macon ZRS-5, Hindenburg Martorelli, Richard
Index Postal History Symposium American Philatelic Society, American Philatelic Center, Postal History Symposium, Smithsonian National Postal Museum, Educational Programs  
Index ATA Seeking Nominations for Distinguished Topical Philatelist American Topical Association, Awards  
Index 14-Cent Air Mail Rate of 1918 United States, Air Mail, Postal Rates Fricke, Charles A.
Index Letting Inmagic Genie Out of the Bottle American Philatelic Research Library, Services Horn, Gini
Index Education Department: Courses Available During Aerophilately 2007 American Philatelic Society, Services