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Date Loaded:
09 Oct 2023 07:53:22
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
1900; Vol: 1
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
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Page Nos List:
Number of Pages:
Vol 1
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
 Size: 96 MB
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Key Words 
Index Appointment of Editor   
Index Publisher's Introduction   
Index The First American Stamp Duties   
Index Philately as an Aid to Culture   
Index First American Stamp Duties   
Index Great Britain 4d Vermilion Circular Envelope Stamp   
Index The First American Stamp Duties   
Index Newspaper Duty   
Index Discovery of proof sheet of American Almanac stamp duty   
Index Discovery of Electric Telegraph Company's Franked Message Form   
Index Electric Telegraph Co Discovery of Unchronicled Franked Message Form   
Index Editorial   
Index War Relief Fund   
Index Philately as an Aid to Culture   
Index London Chatham and Dover Railway   
Index London and North Western Railway   
Index South Eastern Railway   
Index Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index North Eastern Railway   
Index Army Official Stamp   
Index District Audit Fees   
Index Fiscal Telegraphs and Telegraphic Fiscals   
Index Historical Reference List of the Revenue Stamps of the United States   
Index Historical List of Revenue Stamps of the United States - Book Review   
Index Fiscal Telegraphs and Telegraphic Fiscals   
Index Historical Reference List of Revenue Stamps of USA   
Index Railway Letter Stamps of Great Britain   
Index Argentine Republic   
Index Straits Settlements   
Index Belgium   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Ceylon   
Index Trinidad   
Index Fiscal and Telegraph Chronicle   
Index United States   
Index Cuba   
Index Field Post Office   
Index Mysore   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index New Zealand   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index Great Britain   
Index Railway Letter Stamps of Great Britain   
Index Holland   
Index India   
Index Railway Letter Stamps of Great Britain   
Index Tuscany   
Index Victoria   
Index Discoveries an excellent suggestion   
Index Iceland   
Index Notes on the early Fiscals of British Guiana   
Index The Perforations of the 1898 Issue New Zealand   
Index Notes on the early Fiscals of British Guiana   
Index Perforations of New Zealand 1898 Pictorial Issue   
Index Nicaragua   
Index Salvador   
Index Two types of Seychelles Postage Stamp 4c carmine and green   
Index Transvaal   
Index Fiscals of Siam   
Index The Fiscals of Siam   
Index How to distinguish the Fiscals of Siam   
Index Reappearance of Stamp Collector's Fortnightly   
Index Editorial   
Index Imperial Journal Stamps of Austria   
Index Journal Stamps of Austria   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index City of Glasgow Union Railway   
Index Great Western Railway   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index London and South Western Railway   
Index Midland Railway   
Index Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Abnormal Arrangement of Belgian Bill Stamps   
Index Diagram of some Belgian Bill Stamps   
Index Historical Reference List of the Revenue Stamps of the United States   
Index Historical List of Revenue Stamps of the United States - Book Review   
Index Historical Reference List of Revenue Stamps of USA   
Index Alsace and Lorraine   
Index United States   
Index Basle   
Index Bolivar   
Index Fiscal and Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Great Britain   
Index Honduras   
Index India   
Index Niger Coast   
Index Philippines   
Index London and North Western Railway   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Discoveries   
Index Nevis   
Index Paraguay   
Index Zululand Statistics   
Index Improvements in Patent Medicine Labels suggested   
Index Suggested Improvements in Medicine Labels   
Index Patent Medicine Labels   
Index Local Postage Stamps of Great Britain   
Index British Foreign Bills   
Index Holland   
Index Ecuador   
Index Local Postage Stamps of Great Britain   
Index Paper of British Foreign Bill stamps   
Index Surinam   
Index Notes on the Municipal Stamps of Gloucestershire   
Index Municipal Stamps of Gloucestershire   
Index Editorial   
Index Medicine Labels   
Index Paris Exhibition   
Index Patent Medicine Labels   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Barry Railway   
Index East Lancashire Railway   
Index Great Western Railway   
Index Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway   
Index Manchester Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway   
Index Midland Railway   
Index North Eastern Railway   
Index Scottish War Relief Fund   
Index War Relief Fund   
Index Austrian Mysteries   
Index BCA Revenue   
Index British Errors   
Index Two British Errors   
Index BCA Revenue   
Index Two British Errors   
Index Watermark of the stamps of Austria   
Index Brazil   
Index Bremen   
Index Fiscal and Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Colombia   
Index Great Britain   
Index Grenada   
Index Honduras   
Index Hungary   
Index India   
Index Italy   
Index MexiCompany   
Index Peru   
Index Portuguese India   
Index Roumania   
Index Salvador   
Index Santander   
Index Spain   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index United States   
Index Western Australia   
Index Overprint or Cancellation   
Index Discoveries   
Index India unpaid   
Index Overprint or Cancellation   
Index A little matter of Subtraction   
Index Loss of an Exchange Packet   
Index Insurance of Exchange Club packets   
Index Loss of an Exchange packet   
Index Fiscals of Siam   
Index Philately as an Aid to Culture   
Index The Fiscals of Siam   
Index Editorial   
Index Insurance of Exchange Club packets   
Index Medicine Labels   
Index Patent Medicine Labels   
Index Evils of Specialism   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Brecon and Merthyr Railway   
Index Bristol and Cambrian Railway   
Index Corris Railway   
Index Great Western Railway   
Index Catalogue of Telegraph Stamps of the World   
Index Fraud on the Revenue   
Index Historique des Papiers Timbres et des Timbres Fiscaux Mobiles de la France   
Index Patent Medicine Labels   
Index Catalogue of the Telegraph Stamps of the World - Book Review   
Index Historique des Papiers et des Timbres Fiscaux Mobiles de la France - Book Review   
Index The Stamp Collectors' Almanac - Book Review   
Index Stamp Collector's Almanac   
Index Catalogue of Telegraph Stamps of the World   
Index Alsace and Lorraine   
Index Anhalt   
Index Bussahir   
Index Fiscal and Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Fribourg   
Index India   
Index Peru   
Index Portugal   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index United States   
Index Standard Size of Cards   
Index Colombia   
Index Discoveries   
Index Great Britain Vaccination Certificates   
Index Nevis   
Index St Christopher   
Index Standard Size of Cards   
Index Notes on the Telegraph Stamps of Kashmir   
Index The Forthcoming Philatelic Exhibition   
Index Paris Exhibition   
Index Special Prizes at Paris Exhibition   
Index Fiscals of Siam   
Index The Fiscals of Siam   
Index How to distinguish the Fiscals of Siam   
Index Forged Card Stamps   
Index Editorial   
Index Medicine Labels and Card Stamps   
Index Medicine Labels   
Index Orange Free State VRI   
Index Patent Medicine Labels   
Index Universal Standard Catalogue of the Postage Stamps of the World   
Index VRI on Orange Free State   
Index The Young Stamp Collector   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Bristol and Exeter Railway   
Index Bristol and Gloucester Railway   
Index Corris Railway   
Index Great Western Railway   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index Manchester and Milford Railway   
Index Neath and Brecon Railway   
Index Austrian Mysteries   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index India   
Index Porto RiCompany   
Index Amazonas   
Index Canada   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Cuba   
Index France   
Index German East Africa   
Index German South West Africa   
Index Japan   
Index Malta   
Index Natal   
Index Niger Coast   
Index Para   
Index Philippines   
Index Piauhy   
Index Portugal   
Index Rio de Janeiro   
Index Tobago   
Index Victoria   
Index Discoveries   
Index Two Types of the 4c carmine and green Seychelles Postage Stamp   
Index Kashmir telegraph   
Index Notes on the Telegraph Stamps of Kashmir   
Index Forged telegraph of Kashmir   
Index Telegraph Stamps of Kashmir 34   
Index Philately as an Aid to Culture   
Index Editorial   
Index Insurance of Exchange Club packets   
Index Paris Exhibition   
Index Le Vieux Papiers   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Taff Vale Railway   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Bristol and Gloucester Railway   
Index Cornwall Railway   
Index Momouth Rail and Canal Railway   
Index Neath and Brecon Railway   
Index North Wales and Liverpool Railway   
Index Pembroke and Tenby Railway   
Index Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway   
Index Rhymney Railway   
Index South Devon Railway   
Index Austrian Mysteries   
Index Bavaria   
Index Belgium   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index France   
Index Guatemala   
Index Luxemburg   
Index Prussia   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Argentine Republic   
Index Bundi   
Index Canada   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Current Postal Fiscals of New Zealand   
Index Italy   
Index New Zealand   
Index The Current Postal Fiscals of New Zealand   
Index Parahyba   
Index The Current Postal Fiscals of New Zealand   
Index Circular Delivery Companies   
Index Discoveries   
Index Great Britain Vaccination Certificates   
Index Fiscal Stamps of Grenada  E.D. Bacon
Index Auction Record Fiscal   
Index Editorial   
Index Insurance of Exchange Club packets   
Index Newspaper Duty   
Index Paris Exhibition   
Index Auction of USA Fiscals   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index To the Philatelists of England   
Index Orange Free State VRI   
Index Paris Exhibition   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index Manchester Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway   
Index Pembroke and Tenby Railway   
Index South Devon Railway   
Index VRI on Orange Free State   
Index Austrian Mysteries   
Index Indian stamps overprinted Ceylon   
Index Indian stamps used in Ceylon   
Index Two types of Seychelles Postage Stamp 4c carmine and green   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Two Types of the 4c carmine and green Seychelles Postage Stamp   
Index Alagoas   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Great Britain   
Index India   
Index Malta   
Index New Zealand   
Index Porto RiCompany   
Index Portugal   
Index Reunion   
Index Russia   
Index Secunderabad   
Index United States   
Index Uruguay   
Index Discoveries   
Index Fiscals of Siam   
Index Great Britain   
Index Natal   
Index The Fiscals of Siam   
Index Fiscal Stamps of Grenada  E.D. Bacon
Index Orange Free State   
Index Orange Free State forgeries   
Index Paris Exhibition   
Index The Picture Postcard   
Index Special Prizes at Paris Exhibition   
Index Forged Orange Free State Telegraphs   
Index Philately as an Aid to Culture   
Index Editorial   
Index Forged Grenada fiscals   
Index Grenada Forgeries   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Railway Stamps of Ireland   
Index Belfast and Northern Counties Railway   
Index Great Central   
Index Manchester Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway   
Index Taff Vale Railway   
Index Wrexham Mold and Connah's Quay Railway   
Index VRI Notes on Cards   
Index Austria   
Index Brazil   
Index Canada   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Colombia   
Index Denmark   
Index Great Britain   
Index Orange Free State   
Index Orange Free State VRI   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Basutoland   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Crete   
Index France   
Index Great Britain   
Index India   
Index Japan   
Index Orange Free State   
Index Queensland   
Index Spain   
Index United States   
Index Wurtemberg   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Classification of English Fiscals   
Index Stray Notes on English Fiscals   
Index Stray English Fiscals   
Index Stray Notes on English Fiscals   
Index VRI on Transvaal   
Index Fiscal Stamps of Grenada  E.D. Bacon
Index VRI on Orange Free State   
Index Discoveries   
Index India   
Index Orange Free State VRI   
Index Editorial   
Index Hinton's Hints on Stamp Collecting   
Index Hinton’s Hints on Stamp Collecting   
Index Retirement of M. Moens   
Index Paris Exhibition   
Index Evils of Specialism   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Railway Stamps of Ireland   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index A New Name   
Index Perforations of Samoa   
Index Cheshire Lines' Committee   
Index Dublin Wicklow and Wexford Railway   
Index Great Central   
Index Great Northern Railway   
Index Great Southern and Western Railway   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index Manchester Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway   
Index Midland Railway   
Index Great Western Railway   
Index Waterford and Limerick Railway   
Index Samoa Perfs and Shades   
Index Austria   
Index Cashmere   
Index Ceylon   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index India   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Alagoas   
Index Argentine Republic   
Index Bikanir   
Index Ceylon   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Gondal   
Index Great Britain   
Index Mauritius 8   
Index MexiCompany   
Index Peru   
Index Philippines   
Index British Bechuanaland   
Index Crete   
Index Discoveries   
Index Guatemala   
Index Persia   
Index Philippines   
Index Samoa   
Index Tolima   
Index Provisional Fiscal Issues of American Occupation of the Philippines   
Index Philippines   
Index Provisional Fiscal Issues of the American Occupation of the Philippines   
Index Philately as an Aid to Culture   
Index Editorial   
Index Fascination of Philately   
Index Paris Exhibition   
Index Special Prizes at Paris Exhibition   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Mafeking   
Index Hawaiian Islands   
Index Forgeries of Mafeking Besieged   
Index Statistics of Sale Medicine Labels   
Index Patent Medicine Statistics   
Index Philately as an Aid to Culture   
Index Cheshire Lines' Committee   
Index Cleator and Workington Junction Railway   
Index Cockermouth Keswick and Penrith Railway   
Index Midland Railway   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index A Reference List of the Telegraph Stamps of Japan   
Index Salvador   
Index Soudan   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Wurtemberg   
Index Alagoas   
Index Buenos Ayres   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Colombia   
Index Japan   
Index Perak   
Index Peru   
Index Philippines   
Index Selangor   
Index Spain   
Index Sungei Ujong   
Index Orange Free State VRI   
Index VRI Printings on OFS Postage   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index Orange Free State VRI Notes on Cards   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index Roumania   
Index Seychelles 2c green and carmine of 1890   
Index Discoveries   
Index Hawaiian Islands   
Index Transvaal Forgeries   
Index Alabama   
Index Argentine Republic   
Index Berne   
Index British Central Africa   
Index Buenos Ayres   
Index California   
Index Cape of Good Hope   
Index Ceylon   
Index Rare Fiscals at the Paris Exhibition   
Index Finland   
Index France   
Index Great Britain   
Index Grenada   
Index Hesse Cassel   
Index Holland   
Index India   
Index United States   
Index Western Australia   
Index Zug   
Index Ireland   
Index Manitoba   
Index Mauritius 8   
Index MexiCompany   
Index Nova Scotia   
Index Paris Exhibition   
Index Rare Fiscals at the Paris Exhibition   
Index St Lucia   
Index Straits Settlements   
Index Transvaal   
Index Le Collectionneur de Timbres Fiscaux   
Index Continuation of the Journal   
Index Editorial   
Index Paris Exhibition   
Index Special Prizes at Paris Exhibition   
Index Rustenburg VRI   
Index Some Notes on the Telegraph Companies of the United States   
Index Stanton's Philatelic Index   
Index Notes on United States Telegraph   
Index Transvaal VRI   
Index Some Notes on the Telegraph Companies of USA   
Index VRI Rustenburg   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index Colne Valley Railway   
Index Great Southern and Western Railway   
Index Hull and Barnsley Railway   
Index Midland Railway   
Index Waterford and Central Ireland Railway   
Index Ceylon   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Ecuador   
Index Great Britain   
Index Telegraph Forms of Great Britain   
Index Malay States   
Index Orange Free State   
Index Paraguay   
Index Perak   
Index Porto RiCompany   
Index Rustenburg VR   
Index Selangor   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Telegraph Forms of Great Britain   
Index United States   
Index VR Rustenburg   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Finland   
Index Transvaal   
Index Great Britain   
Index Holland   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index Lorenzo Marques   
Index MexiCompany   
Index MonaCompany   
Index Peru   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index Russia   
Index Western Australia   
Index The Documentary Fiscals of Bulgaria   
Index Crete   
Index Discoveries   
Index Documentary Fiscals of Bulgaria   
Index The Documentary Fiscals of Bulgaria   
Index Indian stamps used in Ceylon   
Index Modena   
Index Persia   
Index Swazieland   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Venezuela   
Index The earliest Ceylon Telegraphs   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index The earliest Ceylon Telegraphs   
Index Philately as an Aid to Culture   
Index Appointment of Editor   
Index Editorial   
Index History of Railway Letter Stamps   
Index History of Railway Letter Fees   
Index The Paris muddle of Medals   
Index Paris Exhibition   
Index Paris Exhibition Muddle of medals   
Index Special Prizes at Paris Exhibition   
Index History of Railway Letter Fees   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Railway Letter Fees   
Index Great Central   
Index Lancashire Derbyshire and East Coast Railway   
Index Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway   
Index Manchester Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway   
Index Manchester South Junction and Altringham Railway   
Index Midland Railway   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Great Britain   
Index Orange Free State VRI   
Index Siam   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Notes on United States Telegraph   
Index Some Notes on the Telegraph Companies of USA   
Index USA Telegraphs   
Index Venezuela   
Index VRI on Orange Free State   
Index Alsace and Lorraine   
Index Basle   
Index Bosnia   
Index Brazil   
Index Buenos Ayres   
Index Cape of Good Hope   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Cuba   
Index Great Britain   
Index Philippines   
Index Portugal   
Index Spain   
Index Turkey