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Date Loaded:
09 Oct 2023 07:53:22
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
1901; Vol: 2
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
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Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Number of Pages:
Vol 2
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
 Size: 91 MB
No data to display
Key Words 
Index Looking Backward   
Index Reminiscences of a Philatelic Pauper   
Index Cook Islands Federation   
Index Sudan   
Index Philately as an Aid to Culture   
Index Philately and Religion   
Index Philately as an Aid to Culture   
Index Editorial   
Index Exhibition of the IPU   
Index Fiscal Catalogues   
Index IPU Exhibition   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Great Northern Railway   
Index Great Western Railway   
Index Railway Stamps   
Index Saint Pierre et Miquelon   
Index United States   
Index Bavaria   
Index Ceylon   
Index Ecuador   
Index Paraguay   
Index Salvador   
Index Sudan   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index United States   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Japan   
Index Judicial Stamps of the Straits Settlements   
Index Orcha   
Index Perak   
Index Siam   
Index Straits Settlements   
Index Straits Settlements Judicial Stamps   
Index United States   
Index Railway Letter Fee Stamps   
Index VRI   
Index Looking Backward   
Index Reminiscences of a Philatelic Pauper   
Index German Colonies   
Index Great Britain   
Index Argentine Fiscals Catalogue   
Index Catalogue of Argentine Fiscals   
Index Editorial   
Index United States   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Bristol and Gloucester Railway   
Index Dublin United Tramways Co Railway   
Index Furness Railway   
Index Great Western Railway   
Index Monmouth Rail and Canal Co Railway   
Index North Eastern Railway   
Index Railway Stamps   
Index Ceylon   
Index Great Britain   
Index Orange River Colony   
Index Peru   
Index Philately's Outcasts   
Index Clontarf and Hill of Howth Co Railway   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index British Central Africa   
Index British South Africa   
Index Ceylon   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Great Britain   
Index Japan   
Index Niger Coast   
Index Philippine Islands   
Index Portugal   
Index Saint Vincent   
Index Siam   
Index Transvaal   
Index United States   
Index Philippine Islands   
Index US Fiscals for the Philippine Islands 16   
Index Forgery of Mulready Envelope   
Index South African War Stamps   
Index Exhibition of the IPU   
Index IPU Exhibition   
Index Philately as an Aid to Culture   
Index Philately and Loyalty   
Index Philately as an Aid to Culture   
Index Argentine Fiscals Catalogue   
Index Catalogue of Argentine Fiscals   
Index Editorial   
Index Exhibition of the IPU   
Index IPU Exhibition   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index G.W. and Midland Co Severn and Wye Joint Railways   
Index London and North Western Railway   
Index Maryport and Carlisle Railway   
Index Severn and Wye Railway   
Index Railway Stamps   
Index Brazil   
Index Cashmere   
Index Chili   
Index Columbia   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Philately's Outcasts   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Columbia   
Index Honduras   
Index India   
Index Mexico   
Index Newfoundland   
Index Straits Settlements   
Index Straits Settlements Judicial Stamps   
Index Nevis   
Index Philippine Islands   
Index US Fiscals for the Philippine Islands 16   
Index Sarawak   
Index Discoveries   
Index Exhibition of the IPU   
Index IPU Exhibition   
Index New Zealand   
Index Philippine Islands   
Index Salvador   
Index Editorial   
Index Filipino Stamps   
Index First Issue of perforated stamps   
Index The Philatelic Monthly Referee   
Index Philippine Islands   
Index Victoria   
Index When were perforated Stamps first issued?   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Filipino Stamps   
Index Philippine Islands   
Index London and North Western Railway   
Index North Staffordshire Railway   
Index Railway Letter Fee Stamps   
Index Railway Stamps   
Index Berar   
Index Cape of Good Hope Railway Stamp   
Index Columbia   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Cuba   
Index Nevis   
Index Philippine Islands   
Index Porto RiCompany   
Index Queensland   
Index Saint Vincent   
Index Sarawak   
Index Seychelles   
Index Types of Seychelles Postage Stamps   
Index Mexico   
Index Philately and Nature   
Index Australian Federation   
Index Cleaning Fiscals   
Index Editorial   
Index Nevis   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Forged Philippine Bill stamps   
Index Philippine Islands   
Index Midland Great Western of Ireland Railway   
Index Railway Stamps   
Index United States   
Index Argentine Republic   
Index Ceylon   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index India   
Index Nicaragua   
Index Northampton and Banbury junction Railway   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Telegraph Forms of Great Britain   
Index United States   
Index Newfoundland   
Index Orange River Colony   
Index Queensland   
Index Siam   
Index Tasmania   
Index United States   
Index Mosquito Reserve   
Index Nicaragua   
Index Sarawak   
Index Demonetization of British Stamps   
Index Discontinued Dies of Great Britain   
Index Mosquito Reserve   
Index Nicaragua   
Index British Somaliland   
Index East African Jottings   
Index Transfer Fee Stamp Waterford Limerick and Western Railway   
Index Demonetization of British Stamps   
Index Editorial   
Index Nevis   
Index Prices of US Revenues   
Index United States   
Index Values of US Revenues   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Cavan and Leitrim Railway   
Index Isle of Wight Railway   
Index Isle of Wight Central Railway   
Index Midland Great Western of Ireland Railway   
Index Railway Letter Fee Stamps   
Index Railway Stamps   
Index Brazil   
Index Buenos Ayres Municipality   
Index Caho Rojo Porto Rico   
Index Ceylon   
Index Cuba   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Germany   
Index Guatemala   
Index Guayanilla Porto Rico   
Index Juana Diaz Porto Rico   
Index Porto RiCompany   
Index Pueblo de Salinas Porto Rico   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index India   
Index Philippine Islands   
Index Porto RiCompany   
Index Transvaal   
Index US Fiscals for the Philippine Islands 16   
Index Zanzibar   
Index Japan   
Index Philately in Japan   
Index Tonga   
Index Antigua   
Index Austrian Levant   
Index Discoveries   
Index Argentine Fiscals Catalogue   
Index Catalogue of Argentine Fiscals   
Index Ceylon   
Index Demonetization of British Stamps   
Index Editorial   
Index Fiscal collecting in France   
Index Fiscal Exchange Club   
Index Fiscal Collecting in France   
Index New Postage Stamps of Great Britain   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Customs Duty Tobacco Bands of Great Britain   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Great Britain   
Index New South Wales Government Railway Stamps   
Index Midland Great Western of Ireland Railway   
Index Railway Stamps   
Index Tobacco Bands of Great Britain   
Index Columbia   
Index Cuba   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Great Britain   
Index Natal   
Index Nicaragua   
Index Sudan   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Transvaal   
Index Japan   
Index Porto RiCompany   
Index Rustenberg   
Index Santa Fe   
Index Sarawak   
Index Tasmania   
Index Transvaal   
Index Zeerust and Rustenburg   
Index Kamschatka   
Index Philately in Kamschatka   
Index Tonga   
Index Antigua   
Index Congo   
Index Discoveries   
Index Egypt Salt Department Revenues   
Index New Zealand   
Index Editorial   
Index Educational value of Collecting Stamps   
Index Exhibition of South African Stamps   
Index London Philatelic Society's Exhibition   
Index Philately and Education   
Index The School World   
Index United States   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Railway Letter Fee Stamps   
Index Railway Stamps   
Index Transfer Fee Stamp Waterford Limerick and Western Railway   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index France   
Index French Railway Stamps   
Index Greece   
Index Barry Railway   
Index Great Southern and Western of Ireland Railway   
Index Midland Great Western of Ireland Railway   
Index Port Talbot Railway   
Index Waterford Limerick and Western Railway   
Index Ceylon   
Index Natal   
Index Nicaragua   
Index Reference List of Revenues of St. Christopher   
Index Saint Christopher   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Telegraph Forms of Great Britain   
Index United States   
Index Catamarca Argentine Republic   
Index Crete   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Great Britain   
Index Jamaica   
Index Martinique   
Index Mysore   
Index New Zealand   
Index Peru   
Index Porto RiCompany   
Index San Francisco Cordoba Argentine Republic   
Index Tandil Municip Buenos Ayres   
Index Zurich   
Index Nevada   
Index United States   
Index United States State Revenues   
Index British Newspaper Tax Stamps   
Index Great Britain   
Index Newspaper Tax Stamps of Great Britain   
Index Great Britain   
Index Editorial   
Index Great Britain   
Index Italy   
Index New Postage Stamps of Great Britain   
Index Panorama   
Index Transvaal   
Index Railway Letter Fee Stamps of Southern Ireland   
Index City of Glasgow Union Railway   
Index Cork and Bandon Railway   
Index Cork and Blackrock Railway   
Index Cork and Macroom Railway   
Index Great Southern and Western of Ireland Railway   
Index Kanturk and Newmarket Railway   
Index Waterford and Central Railway   
Index Waterford and Tramore Railway   
Index Waterford Dungarvan and Lismore Railway   
Index Waterford Limerick and Western Railway   
Index Railway Letter Fee Stamps   
Index Railway Letter Fee Stamps of Ireland   
Index Columbia   
Index Costa Rica   
Index Cuba   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Peru   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Greece   
Index Guanacaste   
Index Mexico   
Index New Zealand   
Index Porto RiCompany   
Index Russia   
Index Saint Lucia   
Index Seychelles   
Index Spain   
Index Tarragona Spain   
Index Tasmania   
Index United States   
Index British Newspaper Tax Stamps   
Index Great Britain   
Index Newspaper Tax Stamps of Great Britain   
Index British Fiscals unknown or little known   
Index Unknown or little known British Fiscals   
Index Cook Islands Federation   
Index Discoveries   
Index Forgery of 2d blue of 1841 Great Britain   
Index Great Britain   
Index Tonga   
Index Transvaal   
Index Editorial   
Index Minor Varieties   
Index Railway Letter Fee Stamps of Southern Ireland   
Index Waterford and Central Railway   
Index Waterford Limerick and Western Railway   
Index Railway Letter Fee Stamps   
Index Railway Letter Fee Stamps of Ireland   
Index British Somaliland   
Index Ceylon   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Part rouletted US Revenues 1898   
Index Peru   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index United States   
Index Buenos Ayres   
Index Entre Rios Argentine Republic   
Index Gondal   
Index Greece   
Index Guanacaste   
Index India   
Index Japan   
Index Jamaica   
Index Khumbat   
Index Nevis   
Index New Zealand   
Index Orange River Colony   
Index Portugal   
Index San Fernando Argentine Republic   
Index Santiago del Estero Argentine Republic   
Index Tolima   
Index Transvaal   
Index Formosa   
Index Philately in Formosa   
Index Alagoas   
Index Holland   
Index British Newspaper Tax Stamps   
Index Great Britain   
Index Newspaper Tax Stamps of Great Britain   
Index Argentine Fiscals Catalogue   
Index British Medicine Labels   
Index Catalogue of Argentine Fiscals   
Index Editorial   
Index Great Britain   
Index King's Head First stamp issued with   
Index Medicine Labels of Great Britain   
Index Minor Varieties   
Index New Postage Stamps of Great Britain   
Index Philately as an Aid to Culture   
Index British Railway Newspaper and Parcel Stamps   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Railway Letter Fee Stamps of Southern Ireland   
Index Philately as an Aid to Culture   
Index Great Northern Railway   
Index Great Southern and Western of Ireland Railway   
Index Tralee and Dingle Railway   
Index Railway Letter Fee Stamps   
Index Railway Letter Fee Stamps of Ireland   
Index Railway Stamps   
Index Bhawulpore   
Index Brazil   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Great Britain   
Index History of Railway Letter Stamps   
Index Paraguay   
Index Railway Letter Fee Stamps   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Cuba   
Index Great Britain   
Index Guatemala   
Index Hawaii   
Index India   
Index King's Head First stamp issued with   
Index Nature and Philately   
Index Nevada   
Index Philippine Islands   
Index Porto RiCompany   
Index Queensland   
Index United States   
Index US Fiscals for the Philippine Islands 16   
Index California   
Index Great Britain   
Index Spain   
Index United States State Revenues   
Index Cook Islands Federation   
Index Discoveries   
Index Fiji   
Index Orange River Colony   
Index Peru   
Index Sarawak   
Index British Newspaper Tax Stamps   
Index Great Britain   
Index Newspaper Tax Stamps of Great Britain   
Index Austria   
Index Bosnia   
Index Editorial   
Index Exhibition of Stamps of Great Britain   
Index Exhibition of South African Stamps   
Index Great Britain   
Index Hungary   
Index London Philatelic Society's Exhibition   
Index Forgery of Mulready Envelope   
Index South African War Stamps   
Index Spain   
Index Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index Descriptive Catalogue of British Railway Stamps   
Index History of Railway Letter Stamps   
Index Belfast Dallycastle and Sligo Railway   
Index Cavan and Leitrim Railway   
Index Great Eastern Railway   
Index Great Northern Railway   
Index Railway Stamps   
Index History of Railway Letter Stamps Book Review   
Index Victoria   
Index Kanturk and Newmarket Railway   
Index London and South Western Railway   
Index London Brighton and South Coast Railway   
Index London Chatham and Dover Railway   
Index Manchester Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway   
Index North British Railway   
Index North Eastern Railway   
Index Portpatrick and Wigtownshire Railway   
Index Waterford Limerick and Western Railway   
Index West Donegal and Lough Swilly Railway   
Index Austria   
Index Ceylon   
Index Commando Brief Stamps   
Index Italy   
Index Krugersdorp   
Index Orange River Colony   
Index South Africa War Provisionals Book Review   
Index Rustenberg   
Index Schweizer Renecke   
Index South African War Stamps   
Index Telegraph Chronicle   
Index Vryburg   
Index Apurimac Peru   
Index Argentine Republic   
Index Fiscal Chronicle   
Index Great Britain   
Index Guanacaste   
Index India   
Index Mexico   
Index Peru   
Index Queensland   
Index Sarawak   
Index Junior London Philatelic Society's Exhibition