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11 Feb 2024 09:47:50
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Journal / Periodical
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July 1981; Vol: 2/4 Iss: 14
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Jul 1981
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Vol 2/4 Iss: 14
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Index Chiasso--Sofia--Jerusalem mail route 1942--43 Palestine Mandate / Censorship & POW Mail / WWII POW Mail and Internment Campsby Norman J Collins ; Collins, Norman J.
Index A Polish forces cover from Palestine 1946 Palestine Mandate / Army & Field Post / WWII Commonwealth Army and Field Post, 1939--1948by Norman Gladstone ; Gladstone, Norman
Index Police and Special Constabulary insurance stamps of Mandatory Palestine ; [Notrim/Hagana] Israel / Judaica Zionist Organisationsby Ephraim Margolin ; Margolin, Ephraim
Index Israel news Israel / Stamps  
Index Soldiers' mail in the Lebanon operation (Sheleg) 1982--1985 Israel / Army & Field Post Army & Field Postby Zvi Berest ; Berest, Zvi
Index Members' activities Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1981--199 
Index "Aus Emmaus" (El Kubebe) ; [Aus Emmaus / (El Kubebe)] Palestine / Ottoman Era / Foreign Post Offices German Officesby B A Remington ; Remington, Ben A.
Index German 'Aus Jerusalem / Deutsche Post' cachet : two types? Palestine / Ottoman Era / Foreign Post Offices German Officesby Norman J Collins ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Loan of Egyptian postal officials to O.E.T.A. (South) : 1919 ; [DAPS documents] Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI W Y Loeble ; supplied by Dr. Arthur Felix ; Loebl, Walter Y.
Index Criteria for collecting philatelic Judaica ; [W.P.C. guidelines] Israel / Judaica Judaica 
Index J. Aron: Forerunners To The Forerunners: A Pre-Philatelic Postal History Of The Holy Land ; [review] Palestine / Ottoman and other Prephilately W.Y.L. ; Loebl, Walter Y.
Index Discovered: APO SZ 55 and censor '19' ; [PASSED BY CENSOR / FORCE IN EGYPT / 19] Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI British Army & Field Postby N J Collins ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Synagogues on stamps Israel / Judaica JudaicaW.Y.L. ; Loebl, Walter Y.
Index The London II issues of Palestine ; [quantities shipped] Palestine Mandate / Stamps Waterlow Printsby David Dorfman ; Dorfman, David
Index BAPIP London meetings Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections Section Meetings & Programmes 
Index Future programme Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections Section Meetings & Programmes