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11 Feb 2024 09:47:50
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
July 1988; Vol: 3/8 Iss: 28
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Jul 1988
Number of Pages:
Vol 3/8 Iss: 28
Item Alt No:
No data to display
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Key Words 
Index RAF Post Office Ascension Brown
Index 1946 2d 'J.G.' initials Ascension Lockyer, Richard
Index Mayer, Erich St Helena Deakin, Bob
Index Boer War overseas intercamp mail St Helena Mabbett, Bernard
Index Union Line contract 1863-68 St Helena Hughes
Index Postal rates 1863 St Helena  
Index Boer War photograph of post office St Helena Mabbett, Bernard
Index Ship ordered, newspaper cutting 1990 St Helena  
Index Postal rates 1926 St Helena  
Index Postal rates 1936 St Helena  
Index Postal rates 1956 St Helena  
Index 1981 Booklet watermark varieties St Helena Pidgeon
Index Boer War Briars Camp cover St Helena Mabbett, Bernard
Index Picture postcards St Helena Masters
Index Boer War Type 5 South Africa Boer War CensorshipHart
Index Boer War Type 5 St Helena CensorshipHart
Index Picture postcards St Helena Mabbett, Bernard
Index France to St Helena 1901 St Helena Deakin, Bob
Index Postal rates 1906 St Helena Deakin, Bob
Index Wanted / for sale St Helena  
Index Auction reports  Martin, Jeremy
Index Bulama British settlement  Sacher, John
Index UPU Specimen Stamps by Bendon Book Reviews and NoticesBeale, Philip
Index Listing of adhesives and known varieties Biafra Prestedge, Dudley
Index Battle dates Biafra Prestedge, Dudley
Index Postmarks - Serekunda Gambia Randrup
Index 1875-98 Plate varieties on Victoria issues Gold Coast Newroth, Peter & JeremeyMartin
Index Postmarks - Accra Seal Gold Coast Cooper
Index Postmarks - 556 Numeral Canceller Gold Coast Hunt
Index Postmarks - Faked Seychelles cancellation Gold Coast  
Index RAF aerial survey of West Africa  Lambert
Index RAF aerial survey of West Africa Gold Coast Lambert
Index RAF aerial survey of West Africa  Lambert
Index Perfins Gold Coast Ensor, Mike
Index 1904 2½d Forgeries Lagos Ince, Jack
Index SS Oron cancellation Lagos Martin, Jeremy
Index SS Oron World War IIMartin, Jeremy
Index East African military censor used in Nigeria Nigeria World War II CensorshipBrown
Index WWII East African military censor used in Nigeria Nigeria CensorshipBrown
Index 1946 5s Variety Nigeria Pollard, Dicken
Index Nigeria Airways airletter service Nigeria Reken, Don van
Index Nigeria Airways Air Letter Service Nigeria Reken, Don van
Index Postmarks - Port Harcourt cut down Nigeria Martin, Jeremy
Index RAF suspicious censor cachet World War II Censorship 
Index WWII Suspicious RAF censor cachet Sierra Leone Censorship 
Index 1915 Accra overprints - forgeries (illustrations incorrect) Togo Najjar
Index Prestige Stanley Gibbons Sale  Beale, Philip
Index Postmarks - Type 6 Gold Coast Cooper
Index Civilian censorship from Sierra Leone Sierra Leone World War I CensorshipWarn, Ian
Index WWI Civilian censorship Sierra Leone CensorshipWarn, Ian
Index 1921 Green tinted paper Nigeria Beale, Philip
Index Postcard from Tsewie to Palime Togo Mayne, John