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Date Loaded:
06 Apr 2024 09:19:32
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Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
June 1954; Vol: 3/2 Iss: 15
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
New Zealand
Copyright Deceased Year:
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Page Nos List:
Jun 1954
Number of Pages:
Vol 3/2 Iss: 15
Item Alt No:
No data to display
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Index 1882 Second Sideface Definitives: Meeting Reports: Correction to the Meeting Report in Vol. 55 No. 2 STAMP ISSUES: Definitive Stamp Issues  
Index Directional / Instructional Markings: Markings: “PAID ALL” Marking, The POSTAL HISTORY Wreglesworth PAC
Index Early : Postal History: Chinese and the goldfields, The (I) POSTAL HISTORY Giles L
Index Post Offices and Cancellations: Specific Post and Telegraph Offices: Changes to the Postmarking of Mail by New Zealand Post (I) POSTAL HISTORY  
Index Postmarks, Special: Postmarks Commemorating Special Events: Christchurch Exhibition Cancellation, The POSTAL HISTORY Baker A
Index Auctions, Reports and Realisations: : Gawaine Baillie, Sir, The Sale of the Collection of New Zealand Stamps of PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION  
Index New Zealand Post / Post Office News Releases: 2006: Stamps Pay Tribute to Victims and Heroes of NZ’s Worst Natural Disaster (3/2/2006) (R) PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION  
Index New Zealand Post / Post Office News Releases: 2006: Stamps Showcase New Zealand’s Natural Beauty (1/3/2006) (R) PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION  
Index Postal Services Offered: : Changes to the Postmarking of Mail by New Zealand Post (I) PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION  
Index Competition- Society: Results of Main Society Competition: 2006 - Results NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN MATTERS  
Index (L) = Main Society Meeting. (M) = Meeting of Midland Group (N) = Meeting of Northern Group (S) = Meeting of Scottish Group: Stamp Issues: Correction to the Meeting Report in Vol. 55 No. 2 NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN MATTERS  
Index Obituaries and Notifications of Death: : Woolfe AJ (Obituary) NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN MATTERS Ellott GJ & Lynch K