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06 Apr 2024 09:19:32
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
September 1990; Vol: 39/5 Iss: 223
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Copyright End Rule Text:
New Zealand
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Sep 1990
Number of Pages:
Vol 39/5 Iss: 223
Item Alt No:
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Index 1882 Second Sideface Definitives: Meeting Reports: Second Sideface Queen Victoria Definitives, The (Evans G) STAMP ISSUES: Definitive Stamp Issues  
Index 1967 Definitives -Decimal: Issued Stamps: First Decimal Definitives of New Zealand, An Introduction to the - Booklet Stamps (I) [5] STAMP ISSUES: Definitive Stamp Issues Darge RG
Index General: General: Specimen Postal Stationery of New Zealand, The POSTAL STATIONERY Jackson M & W
Index Envelopes: : Hay M.D. Dr. J.F.S. (Frank) (I) (Hospital Department Covers) POSTAL STATIONERY Capill CG
Index Airmails: History of: Caveat Lector - Instalment II [2] (where did Kingsford-Smith spend the night?) POSTAL HISTORY Gardiner A
Index Cancellers post 1990: : Security & Investigation Cachet (I) POSTAL HISTORY Berry AP
Index Military Mail: World War I: Belgium Relief Fund 1914-1918, New Zealand (I) POSTAL HISTORY Watts JL
Index Postmarks, Special: Postmarks commemorating Anniversaries: Arbor Day Centennial (3/7/1990) (I) POSTAL HISTORY  
Index Postmarks, Special: Postmarks Commemorating Special Events: World Youth Festival (29/8/1990) (I) POSTAL HISTORY  
Index Cinderellas: Cinderellas : Belgium Relief Fund 1914-1918, New Zealand (I) PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION Watts JL
Index Philatelic Literature: Review of Publications and Listing of Publications Received : New Zealand 1990 Bulletin 2 PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION  
Index Postal Services Offered: : Fragile Articles through the Post (I) PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION Dodd T
Index Postal Services Offered: : We’ve Moved (I) PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION Tunnicliffe A
Index Stamp Issuing Policy of New Zealand: : New Zealand Post PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION Franks LJG
Index (L) = Main Society Meeting. (M) = Meeting of Midland Group (N) = Meeting of Northern Group (S) = Meeting of Scottish Group: Stamp Issues: Sideface Queen Victoria Definitives, The, Second (Evans G.) (L) NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN MATTERS