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06 Apr 2024 09:19:32
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
March 1991; Vol: 40/2 Iss: 226
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Copyright End Rule Text:
New Zealand
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Mar 1991
Number of Pages:
Vol 40/2 Iss: 226
Item Alt No:
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Index 1935 Second Pictorial Definitives: General: 1935 Pictorial Issue - A Plea for Information STAMP ISSUES: Definitive Stamp Issues Sanders G
Index King George VI Definitives: Meeting Reports: KGVI & QEII (Smith J) STAMP ISSUES: Definitive Stamp Issues  
Index 1954 Queen Elizabeth II Definitives: Meeting Reports: KGVI & QEII (Smith J) STAMP ISSUES: Definitive Stamp Issues  
Index 1967 Definitives -Decimal: Issued Stamps: First Decimal Definitives of New Zealand, An Introduction to the - One Cent Karaka (I) [8] STAMP ISSUES: Definitive Stamp Issues Darge RG
Index Health Stamps: 1943: Health Stamps of 1943 - A Problem Solved (the absence of Plates 1 and 2) STAMP ISSUES: Other Parnell S
Index Airmails: History of: Caveat Lector - A Sequel (I) [5] (Kingsford-Smith’s nocturnal accommodation) POSTAL HISTORY Gardiner A
Index Early : Postal History: Otago Letter, An 1856 [1] POSTAL HISTORY Frankcom M
Index Official Covers: : On Indian Famine Relief Fund Only (I) POSTAL HISTORY Hague DS
Index Auctions, Reports and Realisations: : Gordon Kaye New Zealand Collection to be sold by Christie’s Robson Lowe for the Saddler’s Company PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION  
Index Philatelic Literature: Review of Publications and Listing of Publications Received : Premier Stamp Collectors Beginners Guide, The (Hunt R) PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION  
Index Postal Services Offered: : Fax-Link from New Zealand Post Limited PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION Tunnicliffe A
Index Postal Services Offered: : New Zealand Post - Synet Telegrams (I) PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION Dodd T
Index Postal Services Offered: : Proof of Delivery Service PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION Dodd T
Index (L) = Main Society Meeting. (M) = Meeting of Midland Group (N) = Meeting of Northern Group (S) = Meeting of Scottish Group: Stamp Issues: KG VI & QEII (John Smith) (L) NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN MATTERS