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06 Apr 2024 09:19:32
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Journal / Periodical
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March 2003; Vol: 52/2 Iss: 298
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New Zealand
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Mar 2003
Number of Pages:
Vol 52/2 Iss: 298
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Index 1960 Definitives-Sterling: Issued Stamps: 1/6 Tiki ‘Green Dots’ Variety: C.P.OV14a, The STAMP ISSUES: Definitive Stamp Issues Ashby RW
Index New Zealand Stamps Overprinted for Use in the Dependencies: Meeting Reports: Dependencies (Cross-Rudkin S) STAMP ISSUES: Other  
Index Airmails: History of: Airmail History, A Chapter in New Zealand POSTAL HISTORY Swailes V
Index First Day Covers: : Health Stamp First Day Card (I) (1955 issue - South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce) POSTAL HISTORY Latto TD
Index Health Related Postal History: Covers: Health Stamp First Day Card (I) (1955 issue - South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce) POSTAL HISTORY Latto TD
Index Manuscript Cancellations: Specific cancellations: Manuscript Cancellation, An Unrecorded (I) (Te Puke) POSTAL HISTORY Ashby RW
Index Military Mail: Boer War: New Zealand Boer War Patriotic War Cover, A (I) POSTAL HISTORY Ellott GJ
Index Military Mail: World War I: Military Postal History , New Zealand (request for information about Territorial Military Camp Post Offices) POSTAL HISTORY Breen A
Index Military Mail: World War I: Three First World War ‘Free’ Covers used for Patriotic Purposes (I) (Russian Day, On Belgian Business Only, Patriotic Purposes Only (Dargaville)) POSTAL HISTORY Jackson A
Index Postmarks, Special: Postmarks Commemorating Special Events: Orienteering Carnival, Third Asia/Pacific (7/1/1984) (I) POSTAL HISTORY  
Index Postmarks, Special: Postmarks Commemorating Special Events: Scout Jamboree, 10th New Zealand (2/1/1984) (I) POSTAL HISTORY  
Index Findings from Files: : Repulping of Waste Stamps [18] PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION Berry AP
Index New Zealand Post / Post Office News Releases: 1984: Antarctica Stamp Issue, New Zealand Involvement in (R) PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION  
Index (L) = Main Society Meeting. (M) = Meeting of Midland Group (N) = Meeting of Northern Group (S) = Meeting of Scottish Group: Stamp Issues: Dependencies (Cross-Rudkin S) (L) NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN MATTERS