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06 Apr 2024 09:19:32
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
March 2016; Vol: 65/2 Iss: 376
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Copyright End Rule Text:
New Zealand
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Mar 2016
Number of Pages:
Vol 65/2 Iss: 376
Item Alt No:
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Index Commemorative Covers/Material: : Whitianga, Mercury Bay, New Zealand (I) (Commemorating Transit of Mercury 1769) POSTAL HISTORY  
Index First Day Covers: : Penny Universal First Day Material (I) POSTAL HISTORY Pratt BJ
Index Health Related Postal History: Covers: Otaki Health Camp POSTAL HISTORY McKellar A
Index Military Mail: Maori Wars: Headquarters Obliterator, The (I) POSTAL HISTORY Ellot G & Evans JD
Index Military Mail: Censorship: Censorship in the First World War (I) (late use of passed by :Military Censor/ Military Censor/NZ in 1920) POSTAL HISTORY Leppard EW
Index Postmarks, Special: Postmarks commemorating Anniversaries: Antarctic Treaty, 25th Anniversary of the Signing of the (1/12/1984) (I) POSTAL HISTORY  
Index Postmarks, Special: Postmarks commemorating Anniversaries: Chatham Islands, Centenary of Education in (18/1/1985) (I) POSTAL HISTORY  
Index Postmarks, Special: Postmarks commemorating Anniversaries: Horowhenua County, Centenary of (24/1/1985) (I) POSTAL HISTORY  
Index Postmarks, Special: Postmarks Commemorating Special Events: Arrowtown (I) (Permanent Pictorial Datestamp) POSTAL HISTORY  
Index Postmarks, Special: Postmarks Commemorating Special Events: Hanmer Springs (I) (Permanent Pictorial Datestamp) POSTAL HISTORY  
Index Postmarks, Special: Postmarks Commemorating Special Events: Military Camps (Burnham, Linton, Ngaruawhaia, Papakura, Waoiura to cancel Military History stamps) (7/11/1984) (I) POSTAL HISTORY  
Index Postmarks, Special: Postmarks Commemorating Special Events: Scout Conference, 14th Asia-Pacific Regional (1/11/1984) (I) POSTAL HISTORY  
Index Cinderellas: Cinderellas : New Zealand Express Company Carriage Labels PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION Jackson A
Index Findings from Files: : Serial Numbering of Sheets of Postage Stamps [23] PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION Berry AP
Index Philatelic Literature: Review of Publications and Listing of Publications Received : From the Bay to the Bush - The Postal History of Hawkes Bay (Marshall B & Startup RM) PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION  
Index Philatelic Literature: Review of Publications and Listing of Publications Received : New Zealand Post Offices - Supplement 1984 (Startup RM) PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION  
Index Philatelic Literature: Review of Publications and Listing of Publications Received : New Zealand Postcards - Rates and Regulations to 1939 (Jackson A) PHILATELIC RELATED NEW ZEALAND INFORMATION  
Index Annual General Meeting: Minutes of: 1984 NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN MATTERS  
Index Awards, Philatelic, to Members: : 1984, BPE NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN MATTERS  
Index Presidents/Chairman’s Annual Report: : 1984 NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN MATTERS  
Index Programme, Society Annual: : 1985 NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN MATTERS