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06 Apr 2024 09:59:33
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
July 1971; Vol: 37/07
Copyright End Year:
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Page Nos List:
Jul 1971
Number of Pages:
Vol 37/07
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Index GERMANY & COLONIES: Rare Olympic 1980 (Gscheidle stamp) error for sale  Deborah Lees
Index NEW ZEALAND: Coronation issue of 1953 reissued in 2003  Deborah Lees
Index FALKLAND ISLANDS: Granted Postcode and first ever self-adhesives issues  Deborah Lees
Index FINLAND: Companies permitted to customised Finnish stamps  Deborah Lees
Index OBITUARY: Boker, John - collector  Deborah Lees
Index OBITUARY: Bridoux, Charles - designer  Deborah Lees
Index OBITUARY: Hardy, David - Stanley Gibbons executive  Deborah Lees
Index OBITUARY: Weill, Raymond - stamp dealer  Deborah Lees
Index FRANCE: La Fayette error collection to be sold  Deborah Lees
Index UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: American Stamp Club of Great Britain  Natalie Thorne
Index Great Britain: Coronation anniversary issue 2003 reunites East London friends   
Index GB COLLECTOR: British Museum 2003 previewed   
Index GB COLLECTOR: Country stamps to be reissued in 2003 because of phosphor problem   
Index GB COLLECTOR: Model Toy issue 2003 anticipated   
Index GB COLLECTOR: Pub Signs issue 2003 - details emerge   
Index Great Britain: Victoria Jubilee issue 4½ of 1892 short-lived  James Mackay
Index CINDERELLLAS etc: Private stamp issues  Ross Burden
Index PHILATELY IN GENERAL: Private stamp issues  Ross Burden
Index STAMP MAGAZINE - Archival references: August 1948 synopsis   
Index STAMP MAGAZINE - Archival references: August 1973 synopsis   
Index FRANCE: Tour de France Centenary issues 2003  Deborah Lees
Index SWEDEN: Folly Havens issues 2003  Deborah Lees
Index SOAPBOX / TALKING POINT: Encouraging young collectors  Richard West
Index Great Britain: St Kilda - my fascination for  James Mackay
Index Great Britain: Errors- Castle invert and Machin variations  Tom Pierron
Index Great Britain: Machin defects and blemishes  Don Staddon
Index CINDERELLA CORNER by Charles and Francis Kiddle: Philatelic Congress of Great Britain 1912   
Index EXHIBITIONS: Philatelic Congress of Great Britain 1912  C & F Kiddle
Index PHILATELY IN GENERAL: Computer use: E-mail, accessing attachments  Christine Earle
Index AIRMAIL: Colombia Airmails - My Collection  Bernard Towler
Index COLOMBIA: Colombia Airmails - My Collection  Bernard Towler
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: Darwin, Charles - My Collection  Eugene Wood
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: Daimler, Gottlieb - My Collection  John Hayward
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: Antarctica - My Collection  Margery Wharton
Index CINDERELLLAS etc: War with Germany Cinderellas from WWII - My Collection  Richard Sirot
Index Great Britain: Advertising promotions on GB philatelic media - My Collection  Jean Alexander