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06 Apr 2024 09:59:33
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Journal / Periodical
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October 2002; Vol: 69/10
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Oct 2002
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Vol 69/10
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Index PRINTING HOUSES / AGENCIES / DEALERS: Swiss Post bring an end to in-house printing  Deborah Lees
Index VATICAN CITY: 150 years of papal issues  Deborah Lees
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: Religion - Guild of Saint Gabriel   
Index Great Britain: GB wins "World Most Beautiful Stamp" competition ("E" from 2001 Nobel Prizes set)   
Index Great Britain: Living people can feature on GB stamps!  Steve Fairclough
Index DESIGN and DESIGNERS, ENGRAVERS etc: Slania engraves GB postbox 2002 issue  Steve Fairclough
Index Great Britain: Postbox issue 2002 engraved by Slania   
Index WEBSITES RE PHILATELY / WEBSITE REVIEWS: (Army Post Office)  Christine Earle
Index SOAPBOX / TALKING POINT: Investing in stamps - a good idea  John Crace
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: Travel souvenirs complemented by philatelic media - My Collection  James Carson
Index Great Britain: "Sleepers" with investment potential  Richard West
Index PRINTING HOUSES / AGENCIES / DEALERS: Crown Agents work with Guinness to put a variety of records on philatelic issues  Richard West
Index AFGHANISTAN: Retrospective and history  James Mackay
Index Great Britain: Machin head - varieties by accident  Don Staddon
Index DESIGN and DESIGNERS, ENGRAVERS etc: Gentleman, David - extract from his artistic autobiography  David Gentleman
Index POSTMARKS: Postmarks related to You personally  Ken Forster
Index CINDERELLA CORNER by Charles and Francis Kiddle: Festival of Empire 1911 - Perkins Bacon issue   
Index PHILATELY IN GENERAL: Computer use: CDRom program installation versus internet download  Christine Earle
Index PHILATELISTS / COLLECTORS etc - CELEBRATED: Woo, Dr Arthur - his celebrated collection on the theme of birds  Uty Rohrs
Index CANADA: Newfoundland: George VI varieties retrospective Part 1  Dickon Pollard
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: Postboxes shown on stamps  Bill Goldsmith
Index REVENUES: Saar Revenues : League of Nations administration 1920-35  Brian Buckle
Index SAAR: Saar Revenues : League of Nations administration 1920-35  Brian Buckle