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06 Apr 2024 09:59:33
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Journal / Periodical
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February 2003; Vol: 69/02
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Feb 2003
Number of Pages:
Vol 69/02
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Index PRINTING HOUSES / AGENCIES / DEALERS: Penny Black printing press to go on show at British Library  Deborah Lees
Index Great Britain: Penny Post from 1680/1 - Murray-type Dockwra sells for £21K+  Deborah Lees
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: Captain Cook Society   
Index STAMP MAGAZINE - Archival references: February 1942 synopsis   
Index STAMP MAGAZINE - Archival references: February 1992 synopsis   
Index Great Britain: 2003 programme more details   
Index GB COLLECTOR: Machins - international Machins on the way   
Index CATALOGUES: Collect British Stamps 54th ed.   
Index PRINTING HOUSES / AGENCIES / DEALERS: House of Questa - Bye Bye!  Don Staddon
Index Great Britain: Victorian 4d carmine 1855-7  James Mackay
Index PHILATELY IN GENERAL: Thought-provoking aspects of philately  Gavin Macrae
Index Great Britain: Royal Mail celebrating our Royals - how many more times ?  Richard West
Index UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Hawaiian Missionaries -the background  James Mackay
Index Great Britain: Machins - perforators and security perforations  Don Staddon
Index BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERRITORY: Retrospective  Richard West
Index CINDERELLA CORNER by Charles and Francis Kiddle: Lundy's Large Map issue 1936   
Index PRINTING HOUSES / AGENCIES / DEALERS: History of Stamp Printing - 2: Lithography  James Mackay
Index ISLE OF MAN: Latest issues from the island 2003  David Garfield
Index JERSEY & GUERNSEY: Latest issues from the islands 2003  David Garfield
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: D.N.A. discoveries  Tom Wilson
Index BRITISH SOLOMON ISLANDS: George VI Varieties retrospective  Dickon Pollard
Index Great Britain: Victorian stamp may provide Jack the Ripper DNA clues  Deborah Lees