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06 Apr 2024 09:59:33
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Journal / Periodical
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July 2004; Vol: 70/07
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Jul 2004
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Vol 70/07
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Index IRELAND: E.U. 2004 stamp design "error" re Cyprus  Deborah Lees
Index DESIGN and DESIGNERS, ENGRAVERS etc: R.S.A. honours designers of tomorrow  Deborah Lees
Index ISLE OF MAN: TT/George Formby issue 2004  Deborah Lees
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: Scout and Guide Stamps Club  Helen Rainbow
Index BOOK, JOURNAL and DVD REVIEWS: The Italy & Switzerland Part 8 catalogue   
Index BOOK, JOURNAL and DVD REVIEWS: The Queen's Stamps: The Authorised History of the Royal Philatelic Collection  Steve Fairclough
Index CATALOGUES: The Italy & Switzerland Part 8 catalogue BOOK REVIEW  Deborah Lees
Index ITALY: The Italy & Switzerland Part 8 catalogue BOOK REVIEW  Deborah Lees
Index STAMP MAGAZINE - Archival references: July 1954 synopsis   
Index STAMP MAGAZINE - Archival references: July 1979 synopsis   
Index STAMP MAGAZINE - Archival references: July 1994 synopsis   
Index SWEDEN: The Italy & Switzerland Part 8 catalogue BOOK REVIEW  Deborah Lees
Index JERSEY & GUERNSEY: Guernsey Tourist Attractions issue 2004  Deborah Lees
Index Great Britain: Machin - high value misperf discovery   
Index GB COLLECTOR: Crimean War issue 2004 previewed   
Index GB COLLECTOR: RSA issue 2004   
Index GB COLLECTOR: Country values revised 2004   
Index FRANCE: Entente Cordiale joint issue with Britain 2004  Don Staddon
Index Great Britain: Entente Cordiale joint issue with France 2004  Don Staddon
Index Great Britain: Edgar, Julietta - R.M's new head of Philatelic Sector  Julietta Edgar
Index Great Britain: Royal Mail : new head of Philatelic Sector….  Julietta Edgar
Index CINDERELLA CORNER by Charles and Francis Kiddle: Jamaica's World War 1 Charity issues   
Index JERSEY & GUERNSEY: Retrospective  Steve Fairclough
Index Great Britain: Coronation issue 1937  James Mackay
Index CATALOGUES: Issues that should not be in catalogues  Richard West
Index SOAPBOX / TALKING POINT: Issues that should not be in catalogues  Richard West
Index Great Britain: Errors in phosphor detected with UV lamp  Tom Pierron
Index PHILATELY IN GENERAL: Errors in GB phosphor issues detected with UV lamp  Tom Pierron
Index MOROCCO: Morocco Agencies - George VI varieties retrospective  Dickon Pollard
Index DESIGN and DESIGNERS, ENGRAVERS etc: British Stamp Art - former R.M. Design Director Barry Robinson interviewed by …  Richard West
Index Great Britain: British Stamp Art - former R.M. Design Director Barry Robinson interviewed by …  Richard West
Index UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Liberty definitive series  Mike Hempsall
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: Alcock and Brown ephemera - British Library Gems  Richard Sirot
Index STAMP MAGAZINE - Archival references: Editorial Team vote for their favourite stamp / 70 birthday occasion  Various writers
Index JERSEY & GUERNSEY: Alderney - 25 year retrospective  Deborah Lees
Index AIRMAIL: American Trans-continental all-night airmail service  Mike Hempsall
Index UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: American Trans-continental all-night airmail service  Mike Hempsall
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand  James Mackay