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06 Apr 2024 09:59:33
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Journal / Periodical
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November 2004; Vol: 71/11
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Nov 2004
Number of Pages:
Vol 71/11
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Index REVENUES: U.S. National Postal Museum to sell revenues   
Index EXHIBITIONS: Monacophil 2004 anticipated  Deborah Lees
Index IRELAND: Joint issue with Sweden honours Nobel Literature Prize winners 2004  Deborah Lees
Index SWEDEN: Joint issue with Ireland honours Nobel Literature Prize winners 2004  Deborah Lees
Index MALTA: Malta Study Circle  Helen Rainbow
Index BOOK, JOURNAL and DVD REVIEWS: Introduction to the Stamps of Great Britain (Linn's Stamp News)  Steve Fairclough
Index BOOK, JOURNAL and DVD REVIEWS: The Stamps and Postal History of 19th Century Samoa  Deborah Lees
Index Great Britain: Introduction to the Stamps of Great Britain (Linn's Stamp News) BOOK REVIEW  Steve Fairclough
Index POSTAL HISTORY: The Stamps and Postal History of 19th Century Samoa BOOK REVIEW  Deborah Lees
Index SAMOA: The Stamps and Postal History of 19th Century Samoa BOOK REVIEW  Deborah Lees
Index STAMP MAGAZINE - Archival references: November 1934 synopsis   
Index Great Britain: Post Office closures - why local people are so upset  John Crace
Index Great Britain: Victory issue 1946  James Mackay
Index SOUTH AFRICA / SOUTH WEST AFRICA: Mafeking issue 1900 - British Library Gems  Richard Sirot
Index PHILATELY IN GENERAL: A Perfect Hobby for retirement  Richard West
Index Great Britain: 2005 issues previewed   
Index Great Britain: Errors within the famous Baillie collections  Tom Pierron
Index CINDERELLA CORNER by Charles and Francis Kiddle: Spanish local posts and other Spanish issues   
Index PITCAIRN ISLANDS: George VI varieties retrospective  Dickon Pollard
Index TONGA: George VI varieties retrospective  Dickon Pollard
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: The White House and its incumbents  Mike Hempsall
Index AUSTRALIA: Classic Antipodean Exhibitions held in Australia  Peter van Gelder
Index EXHIBITIONS: Classic Antipodean Exhibitions  Peter van Gelder
Index NEW ZEALAND: Classic Antipodean Exhibitions held in New Zealand  Peter van Gelder
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: Colditz - a secret love affair  Michael Booker
Index Great Britain: Christmas across the world  Bill Goldsmith
Index NORWAY: Spitsbergen - the world's most Northerly post office, visited by a holidaying  Steve Fairclough
Index CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Retrospective of issues leading up to division  James Mackay