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06 Apr 2024 09:59:33
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Journal / Periodical
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January 2013; Vol: 79/01
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Jan 2013
Number of Pages:
Vol 79/01
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Index EXHIBITIONS: ABPS National Exhibition & Philatelic Congress of GB: Perth, Oct 2012  Julia Lee
Index Great Britain: Machins - new vales and colours for 2013  Julia Lee
Index GB COLLECTOR: Olympics 2012 printers revealed   
Index PHILATELY IN GENERAL: Stamps as evidence of Social History - Soapbox  Christopher Jordan
Index Great Britain: Royal Mail must handle Philatelic Trends with care- Sopabox  Richard West
Index SOAPBOX / TALKING POINT: Philatelic Trends must be handled with care by Royal Mail  Richard West
Index BOOK, JOURNAL and DVD REVIEWS: Line Engraved Security Printing: The Methods of Perkins Bacon 1790-1935   
Index PRINTING HOUSES / AGENCIES / DEALERS: Line Engraved Security Printing: The Methods of Perkins Bacon 1790-1935: BOOK REVIEW   
Index BOOK, JOURNAL and DVD REVIEWS: Krag Machine Postmarks of Great Britain & Ireland - BOOK REVIEW   
Index POSTMARKS: Krag Machine Postmarks of Great Britain & Ireland - BOOK REVIEW   
Index NEW ZEALAND: 1915 definitvies - Commonwealth Classics  John Winchester
Index RUSSIA / USSR: Tsar definitives 1913 - Champions of Europe  Adrian Keppel
Index AUSTRALIA: 1913 definitives  C&F Kiddle
Index CINDERELLA CORNER by Charles and Francis Kiddle: Ideal Stamp Exhibition 1912   
Index Great Britain: Penny Red 1841 engraving mystery  John Winchester
Index UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Immortal Chaplains issue 1948  Louisa Eastern
Index PHILATELY IN GENERAL: The Hobby's History - My Collection  Stewart Gardiner
Index GB COLLECTOR: London Underground 2013 issue   
Index DESIGN and DESIGNERS, ENGRAVERS etc: The Great Engravers  Michael Chambers
Index DESIGN and DESIGNERS, ENGRAVERS etc: Commonwaelath Oddities 1936-1970  Noel Davenhill
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: Beethoven - "Music Maestro"  Barry Floyd