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Date Loaded:
06 Apr 2024 09:59:33
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
April 2013; Vol: 79/04
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Page Nos List:
Apr 2013
Number of Pages:
Vol 79/04
Item Alt No:
No data to display
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Index NETHERLANDS: Definitives of 2013 feature first king for 123 years  Julia Lee
Index VATICAN CITY: Vacant See 2013 issues  Julia Lee
Index AUSTRIA: Map issue error forces 2013 re-issue  Julia Lee
Index GB COLLECTOR: Football Heroes 2013 issue preview   
Index SOAPBOX / TALKING POINT: Edwin Hill (brother of Rowland) - why ignored ??  Louisa Eastern
Index PHILATELY IN GENERAL: Collections - yours - how well do you know them : memory failings !!  John Crace
Index GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS: 1939-55 Pictorial series - Commonwealth Classics  John Winchester
Index GERMANY & COLONIES: Portraits Definitives 1926-28 - Champions of Europe  Adrian Keppel
Index CINDERELLA CORNER by Charles and Francis Kiddle: Deptford Cenotaph paid for by poster stamp issue   
Index AUSTRALIA: Western Australia - First Issue 1854 damaged copies with exciting back story  John Winchster
Index GB COLLECTOR: Dr Who issue 2013 details   
Index AUCTIONS: Auction price analysis including our Top 50 Auction Classics  Richard Ashton
Index RUSSIA / USSR: Tsar issues 1894-1917 - "Last of the Tsars"  John Winchester
Index DESIGN and DESIGNERS, ENGRAVERS etc: De La Rue GB essays 1861 - earlies dummy survivors  C & F Kiddle
Index Great Britain: De La Rue essays 1861 - earlies dummy survivors  C & F Kiddle
Index BAHAMAS: 1940-48 issues - influenced by Duke of Windosr's presence ??  David Horry
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: Livingstone, David - "Stepping into the unknown"  Jeff Dugdale
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Preston's local postal history - My Collection  City of Preston P.S.
Index THEMATIC / TOPICAL TREATMENTS: Preston's local postal history - My Collection  City of Preston P.S.