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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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July-August 1983; Vol: 92 Iss: 1087-1088
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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1 Aug 1983
Number of Pages:
Vol 92 Iss: 1087-1088
Item Alt No:
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Associated Documents
July-August 1983; Vol: 92 Iss: 1087-1088 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 28 Size: 8 MB
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Key Words 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society, London Programme for 1983 - 84 Notices - RPSL 
Article The Honorary Secretary's Report for the Season 1982-83 Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Society's Library Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Expert Committee Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Honorary Treasurer's Report Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Forgery Collection Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Publications Committee Officers Reports & AGM 
Article Vincent G. Green, RDP Notices - RPSL 
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article Tembal 83 Exhibition or ShowLee, Austin
Article Argentina 1889-1892 the First South American Bank Note Company Issue PaperAkerman, G C
Article Cape of Good Hope the Port Elizabeth 'Seal' Defacer 1859 PaperGoldblatt, IR
Article New Discoveries 16 - British East Africa: Perforation Variety PaperMinns, J M
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article The Presidents' Dinner Notices - RPSL 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society, London Meetings - RPSL 
Article Between Limpopo and Zambesi - the Postal Routes of Southern Rhodesia to 1923 by R. C. Knight. 93 Pp, Published by the Author. Price £7. Book Review 
Article The Shanghai Postal System - the Stamps and Postal History by Charles W. Dougan, Published by the American Philatelic Society. Book Review 
Article British Forces Air Mail Letter Cards and Air Letters 1941-1977 by O. R. J. Lee. Published by the Forces Postal History Society. 75 + 6 A4 Pages and 20 Full-Page Plates, £7.50. Book Review 
Article An Album of Rare Stamps Published by Vallencey in ternational, Po Box 280, Guernsey; 1982. Price £30. Book Review 
Article H. Van Roye Het Belgisch Strafport; Le Vervolg En Periode 1976-1982. Wefis, P.A. Meiboomlaan 17, 8400 Ostend; 26 Pp A4, Paperbound Book Review 
Article The Mulready Advertisements by Malcolm G. Lowe. Published by Mulready Research Foundation, Laguna Hills, Usa. 340Pp, £26. Book Review 
Article Stanley Gibbons Channel Islands Specialised Catalogue of Stamps and Postal History, 452 Pp + Xii, £8.25, Limp Bound A5, Sg Publications Ltd. Book Review 
Article Commonwealth King George VI Catalogue 1983, Bridger & Kay Ltd, 216 Pp + VIII, Limp Bound, £6.50. Book Review 
Article Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue: Part 8, Italy and Switzerland 270 Pp + Xii, £6.85; Part 16, Central Asia, 214 Pp + Xii, £8.95, Limp Bound; Sg Publications Ltd. Book Review 
Article The Postage Stamps and Cancellations of the Post Offices in German South West Africa by A. Friedemann and H. Witteman; Translated by Ralph F. Putzel and P. J. Mavisa; 10 X 8, 200+ Pp, Hardbound; Cma, Po Box 20, Bergvliet, Cape, Rsa. Book Review 
Article British Line-Engraved Stamps - Repaired Impressions by Dr W. R. D. Wiggins. Published by Robson Lowe Ltd, 10 King Street, St James'S, London; 352 Pages, Hardback, Limited Edition; Price £75. Book Review 
Article Great Britain Revenues (Second Edition) by J. Barefoot, 88 Pp; J. Barefoot (Investments) Ltd, York, 1983, £8. Book Review 
Article Collect British Postmarks (Third Edition) by Dr J. T. Whitney, 278 Pp, Longman, London; 1983, £7.50. Book Review 
Article Squared-Circle Postmarks of the London Suburban District Offices by Stanley F. Cohen, 34 Pp, Harry Hayes, Batley. 1983: £3.40 Post Free. Book Review 
Article Monographic Der Frankaturen 1850-1867 - Allgemeine Und Besondere Frankaturen: Oesterreich, Lombardie-Venetien by Dr Anton Jerger, 384 Pp, Clothbound; Available From Milan Danko, Rotenturmstrasse 5-9, a 1010 Vienna. Book Review 
Article Postage Stamps and Postal History of Western Australia: Vol 2, the Melbourne Printings 1902-1912 by Mogens Juhl. Book Review 
Article J. Barefoot (Investments) Ltd. Forgery & Reprint Guides, No 5-6 Samoa Express, 36 Pp; No 7-8 Ddsg, 31 Pp; Paperbound, Both £2. Book Review 
Article Membership Membership News 
Article Espana 84 International Stamp Exhibition, Madrid, 27 April to 6 May 1984 Exhibition or Show 
Article Paul J. Wolf Notices - RPSL