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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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May-June 1984; Vol: 93 Iss: 1097-1098
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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1 Jun 1984
Number of Pages:
Vol 93 Iss: 1097-1098
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May-June 1984; Vol: 93 Iss: 1097-1098 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 26 Size: 7 MB
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Key Words 
Article Number 41 Devonshire Place - the Next Sixty Years Editorial 
Article The Honorary Secretary's Page Notices - RPSL 
Article Notice of Meetings Notices - RPSL 
Article Historical Congress Meetings - Other Socs. 
Article Papers Adopted for the Stamps of Switzerland From 1854 PaperLee, Austin
Article Meetings of the Expert Committee Notices - RPSL 
Article Ceylon 'Pence' Rarities - Where Are They Now? PaperPearson , PC
Article Correction: Ethiopia 1894-1929 Editorial 
Article The Forgotten Admiral PaperDoublet, AR
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society, London Publications Notices - RPSL 
Article The Thematic Platform of Today PaperBranston, AJ
Article News of Other Philatelic Societies Notices - General 
Article Contemporary Quotes extracted From Early Periodical PaperStone, JWM
Article Paste, Hosli E Peste a Pavia by Giorgio Migliavacca. Preface by F. Borromeo D'Adda; 168 Pp; Published by Terzhobby, Pavia, 1982. It. Lire 15,000 Paperbound. Book Review 
Article Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia Part 6 (Erivan Guberniya/Kars Oblast) by P. T. Ashford, 90 Pp, 10 X 8 Limp Bound; £2.50 (Us $5) Post Free From the Author at 9 Pentre Close, Ashton, Chester Ch3 8Br. Book Review 
Article Priskatalog Over Svenska Minnespoststdmplar 1866-1982 (Priced Catalogue of Swedish Commemorative Postmarks) Published 1983 by Sveriges Filatelist-Forbund, 256 Pp, 6X4, Flexible Bound. Book Review 
Article Oscars-Katalogen/Forteckning Over Ortstdmplar Under Oscarsperioden 1.1.1885-31.12.1911 (Catalogue of Town Circular Datestamps Used on the Stamps of King Oscar Ii) Published 1983 by Sveriges Filatelist-Forbund, 120 Pp, 6 X 4, Flexible Bound. Book Review 
Article Posthistoria I Oppunda Hdrad (Postal History of the Oppunda Hundred) by Ivar Engberg. Published 1983 by the Sveriges Filatelist-Forbund, 112 Pp, 9 X 6, Limp Bound(ISBN91 85702 102). (Specialhandboknr 18). Book Review 
Article A Chronology of French Militarv Campaigns with Their Postal Markings 1815-1983 by W. M. Waugh and S. J. Luft, Edited by R. G. Stone; Book Review 
Article A History of the Irish Post Office by Mairead Reynolds Book Review 
Article A Census of United States Classic Plate Blocks 1851-1882 Book Review 
Article Postal Censorship in India 1939-1945 by Brigadier D. S. Virk; Published by the Philatelic Congress of India, 1983, 38 Pp, 9J X 7, Price Rs 30, £2, $3. Book Review 
Article The Stamp Journals index 1979 Compiled by Lawrence C. Schwartz; Published 1983 by the Stamp Journals index Co., 177 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201; 138 + XVI Pp, 8| X 10|, $22.95 + $2 Postage for the Uk, From the Publishers. Book Review 
Article Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialised Stamp Catalogue Volume 2: King Edward VII to King George C (Sixth Edition, 1984) 368 + Xii Pp, Hardbound 8| X 5£, £9.95. Book Review 
Article Stanlev Gibbons Stamp Catalogue Part 20 South America (Second Edition) £12.50 (ISBN 0 85259 069 5) 632 Pp. Book Review 
Article Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue Part 10 Russia (Second Edition) 1983, 326 Pp + X; ISBN 0 85259 064 4; £10.95. Book Review 
Article Stanlev Gibbons 'Collect British Stamps' 33rd Edition (Winter 1983/84) 100 + IVpp.£2. Book Review 
Article Norgeskatalogen 1984 (Catalogue of the Postage Stamps of Norway) Published by the Oslo Filatelistklubb at N.Kr 98. Book Review 
Article Literature Notices - General 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society, London Meetings - RPSL 
Article Membership Membership News 
Article Israphil 85 International Stamp Exhibition, Tel Aviv 14-22 May 1985 Exhibition or Show 
Article An Editorial Footnote Editorial