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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
November-December 1986; Vol: 95 Iss: 1127-1128
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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1 Dec 1986
Number of Pages:
Vol 95 Iss: 1127-1128
Item Alt No:
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Associated Documents
November-December 1986; Vol: 95 Iss: 1127-1128 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 36 Size: 13 MB
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Key Words 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society, London Election to Fellowships 1986 Membership News 
Article Notice of Meetings Notices - RPSL 
Article Christmas Vacation Notices - RPSL 
Article Expert Committee: RPSL Ltd Notices - RPSL 
Article The Reign of King George V PaperShaida, Hassan
Article St Vincent: a Select Bibliography PaperDuggleby, C Vincent A
Article Lost, Presumed Stolen: a GB Collection Notices - General 
Article War in Burma PaperDavis, Gerald
Article Correction Notices - RPSL 
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article Society Tie Notices - RPSL 
Article The Presidents' Dinner Notices - RPSL 
Article The Steamship 'Ava' and Her Mails PaperKirk, Reginald
Article France: Paris Exhibition Planned Jan-Feb 1987 Exhibition or Show 
Article Transvaal: the £5 Overprinted 'V.R.I.' PaperHolmes, HR
Article A Bulgarian Holiday Paperde Burca, B
Article Additions to the Library Library 
Article The Transvaal Handbook Vol I First Republic-Genuine and Forged by Nick Meisel; 118 Pp, 6 X 8, Paper-Bound, Alberton (South Africa) 1985 Book Review 
Article Recovered Mail - Airplane Crashes 1918-1978 by Henri L. Nierinck Book Review 
Article Geschichte Der Philatelic (History of Philately), Part II, by Professor Dr Phil Carlrichard Briihl, Rdp; November 1985; 8 X \Q{ Hardbound, Pp 601-1250 + VIII Book Review 
Article Sweden: Postal Museum, Stockholm: Bibliography of Publications on Swedish Philately in the Postal Museum Library [Forteckning Over Svensk Filatelistisk Litteratur I Postmusei Filatelistiska Bibliotek] Book Review 
Article Sweden: Postal Museum: Additions to the Postal Museum Library [Postmusei Filatelistiska Bibliotek: Nyforvarvs-Lista] 1985, No 1; 13 A4 Pages in Limp Cover, Glued. Book Review 
Article Christmas Cards for the Collector by Arthur Blair; Hardback, 10X7F, Red Cloth, Illustrated Dw, 128 Pp. Ill Monochrome and 13 Colour Illustrations, Published Batsford, ISBN 0 7134 5224 2, £12.50. Book Review 
Article The Nyasaland-Rhodesia Field Force 1914-18: a Postal History, by Alan R. Drysdall and Kenneth Pennycuick; Published by A. R. Drysdall, Southampton; 136 Pp. Paperbound, 1986. Book Review 
Article So Lecie :Nac:Kow Wydania Krakowskiego (Fiftieth Anniversary of the Krakow Issue) by Jan Ryblewski: Offprint of Pages 95-125 of Krakowski Ruch Filatelistyczny 1893-1968 (Philatelic Activity in Krakow 1893-1968). Book Review 
Article Estonia - Philately & Postal History Handbook-Catalogue 1986, by Vambola Hurt and Elmar Ojaste; Published by the Estonian Philatelic Societies of Sweden and New York Book Review 
Article Genese Des Premiers Limbres-Poste Du Grand-Duche De Luxembourg by Joseph Kayser; 47 Pp, 5J X 8 in ches; No Date. Book Review 
Article Forensic Philately, Edited by H. Herst, Jr, with An Introduction by L. N. Williams, 133 Pp, Soft Cover, 215 X275 Mm, Illustrated; Available From Willow Stamps, Willowcourt Avenue, Harrow Ha3 8Et, £9.50 Plus Postage 50P Book Review 
Article Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue - Part 1 (British Commonwealth) 1987 Edition, Hardbound, Pp 972 Plus Xx, ISBN 0 85259 137 3, £17.95 Plus Postage. Book Review 
Article Norgeskatalogen (Catalogue of the Postage Stamps of Norway) 1986 Edition, Limp Bound, Card Covers, 220 X 150 Mm, 336 Pp, ISBN 82 7319 026 9. Book Review 
Article Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue - Part 10 (Russia), Third Edition 1986, Limp Bound, 348 Pp, ISBN 0 85259 1438,£13.50. Book Review 
Article Stanlev Gibbons Stamp Catalogue - Part 17 (China), Third Edition 1986, Limp Bound, 240 Pp, ISBN 0 85259 132 2, £8.50. Book Review 
Article Stanley Gibbons Great British Concise Catalogue, First Edition 1986, Limp Bound, Glossy Card Cover, 210X 160 Mm, Pp 167 Plus Xxv, ISBN 0 85259 133 0, £4.95. Book Review 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society, London Membership Membership News