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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
January-February 1989; Vol: 98 Iss: 1153-1154
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Publication year plus 90
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Publication Place:
UK : London
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Page Nos List:
1 Feb 1989
Number of Pages:
Vol 98 Iss: 1153-1154
Item Alt No:
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Associated Documents
January-February 1989; Vol: 98 Iss: 1153-1154 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 36 Size: 15 MB
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Key Words 
Article Provincial Meeting at Liverpool Notices - RPSL 
Article Chile: First Issues of Postage Stamps 1853-1867 by Gerhard Blank, FRPSL Notices - RPSL 
Article The Postal Service of Sierra Leone Its History, Stamps and Stationery Until 1961 by Philip O. Beale, FRPSL Notices - RPSL 
Article Death of H. R. Holmes, RDP, FRPSL Obituary 
Article Colombia: the Airmail Stamps and Services 1919-32 PaperSouth, George
Article New South Wales PaperForster, DE
Article Australia 1850-1914 PaperMarriott, John Brook
Article Sydpex 88 Bicentennial Exhibition Sydney 30 July - 7 August 1988 Exhibition or Show 
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article Additions to the Library Library 
Article Chapeltown Sheffield and District Posts, by Ronald Ward, FRPSL Book Review 
Article The Postal History of Preston, Garstang and the Fylde of Lancashire, by Malcolm T. Mynott, Ba, 145Pp, Size A4 with Glossy Card Cover, 1987. Published in a Limited Edition by Preston and District Philatelic Society. Book Review 
Article Gloucester's Postal History, by Peter Copeland (September 1988); A4, Limp Card Covers, 80+VIII Pp; Available From P. Copeland, 20 Chapel Hay Lane, Churchdown, Gloucester Gl3 2Et, at £9.50 Post Free; ISBN 0-9513558-0-5. Book Review 
Article Webb's Postal Stationery Catalogue of Canada and Newfoundland,5Th Edition 1987. Edited by Earle L. Covert and William C. Walton. Published by Unitrade Press Book Review 
Article The Oates Correspondence - a Postal History of Frank Oates' Travels in Matabeleland and Zambesia 1873-75, by E. Kenneth Wright and A. R. Drysdall, FRPSL; November 1988 Book Review 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society, London Membership Membership News