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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
September 1995; Vol: 104 Iss: 1228
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Publication year plus 90
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Publication Place:
UK : London
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Page Nos List:
1 Sep 1995
Number of Pages:
Vol 104 Iss: 1228
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
September 1995; Vol: 104 Iss: 1228 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 32 Size: 19 MB
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Key Words 
Article Buckingham Palace, July 27, 1995 Notices - General 
Article RPSL Regional Meeting at Vancouver, Canada Meetings - RPSL 
Article The Expert Committee Notices - RPSL 
Article British Philatelic Trust : Strategic Plan 1994-2001 Notices - General 
Article Philatelic Newslines Notices - General 
Article Rare Stamps of the World a New-Style Exhibition : Claridge's, London, 6-8 July 1995 Exhibition or Show 
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article The Airgraph and V-Mail Story PaperFletcher, Julius
Article Additions to the Library Library 
Article FIP General and Special Regulations & Guidelines for the Evaluation of Exhibits at FIP Exhibitions Notices - General 
Article 'Romanian Markings Used on the Orient Express' PaperSassower, M Gabriel
Article Ordinary Mail by Diplomatic Means During the Siege of Paris 1870-1871 Book Review 
Article Netto Marktpreis Katalog 'Osterreich Spezialkatalog Briefmarken-Munzen 1994/95' Austria Netto Marktpreis Katalog 'Telefonwertkarten 1994' Netto Taborstrasse 49 A-1020 Wien Library 
Article The History of Envelopes PaperMuir, Douglas N
Article The First Postage Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia 1901-1912 Book Review 
Article New Hebrides Cancellation Study 1892-1980 Book Review 
Article Postal Cancellations of the Ottoman Empire: Part 4 - Turkey-In-Asia, Book Review 
Article Transvaal: Revenue and Telegraph Stamps Book Review 
Article Andbuch Der Turkischen Philatelic. Teil I: Osmanisches Reich (Handbook of Turkish Philately. Part I: Ottoman Empire): Band 3 - Die Zeitrechnung (Volume 3 - the Calendar) Book Review 
Article Band 4 - Die Ganzsachen (Volume 4 - Postal Stationery) Book Review 
Article Opusculum I (Editor Michel Forand/Coordinator J.E. Kraemer) Book Review 
Article Linn's Us Stamp Yearbook 1994 Book Review 
Article Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue Pan 21 South-East Asia Book Review 
Article Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 1994/95 Officers Reports & AGM 
Article Membership Membership News 
Article 'A Rose by Any Other Name ...' Editorial