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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
September 1996; Vol: 105 Iss: 1238
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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1 Sep 1996
Number of Pages:
Vol 105 Iss: 1238
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Associated Documents
September 1996; Vol: 105 Iss: 1238 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 32 Size: 13 MB
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Key Words 
Article Highlights from History: Number 6 Some Background on Westoby PaperNegus, Ronald
Article RPSL Regional Meeting : Northampton 7 September 1996 Meetings - RPSL 
Article Capex '96 Exhibition or Show 
Article Singapore '95 World Philatelic Exhibition : Amendment Exhibition or Show 
Article Panagra Airmail Service in South America PaperWest, J C
Article Philatelic Newslines Notices - General 
Article The Presidents' Dinner Notices - RPSL 
Article Vault Storage Boxes Notices - RPSL 
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society, London Officers Reports & AGM 
Article Minutes of an Extraordinary General Meeting, Held at 41 Devonshire Place, London W1N 1PE on Thursday 20 June 1996 at 6.00 pm Meetings - RPSL 
Article The Greek Posts in Macedonia PaperCronin, A
Article Afghan Philately 1871-1989, by Cecil H. Uyehara and Horst G. Dietrich Book Review 
Article United States Postage Stamps of 1869, by Jon Rose. Published 1996 by Linn's Stamp News, Sidney, Ohio, Usa; 191 + VIII Pp, Us Quarto, Hardback $30 + $3 P&P, ISBN 0-940403-67-6 (Softback $14.95 + $1 P&P: ISBN 0-940403-66-8). Book Review 
Article Les Chiffres-Taxe Au Type Duval (Postage Due Stamps {Of France} in the Duval Design) 1881-1900, by Jack Blanc, FRPSL Book Review 
Article Comparisons of Hellenic Postal Stamps 1861-1923, by Orestes G. Vlastos Book Review 
Article Water in Hungarian Philately, by Mervyn Benford; Publ. 1995 by the Hungarian Philatelic Society of Great Britain Book Review 
Article The 25Th Anniversary of Czechoslovak in dependence (The 1943 London Exhibitions), by Vj. Kralicek and W.A. Page, FRPSL Book Review 
Article Zeppelin Post Lz130, by John Duggan & Gisela Woodward Book Review 
Article Black Gold: the Philatelic History of Petroleum, by Kenneth J. Kutz, FRPSL Book Review 
Article British Postal Mechanisation Handbook: Part 2, by Jack Peach and Douglas N. Muir Book Review 
Article Literature Notices - General 
Article Adhesive Wafer Seals: a Transient Victorian Phenomenon, by Michael Champness & David Trapnell Book Review 
Article Bolaffi International 1996: Record of International Auction Realisations in 1995; Edited by Vito Salierno Book Review 
Article Literature Notes Notices - General 
Article Membership Membership News