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Date Loaded:
24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
July-August 1997; Vol: 106 Iss: 1247
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Publication year plus 90
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Publication Place:
UK : London
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Page Nos List:
1 Aug 1997
Number of Pages:
Vol 106 Iss: 1247
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
July-August 1997; Vol: 106 Iss: 1247 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 38 Size: 18 MB
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Key Words 
Article Programme for 1997-98 Notices - RPSL 
Article Norwex '97 Exhibition or Show 
Article The London Philatelist This Month Notices - General 
Article The Honorary Secretary's Report for the Season 1996/97 Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Honorary Treasurer's Report Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Society's Library Officers Reports & AGM 
Article RPSL Ltd : the Expert Committee Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Collections Committee Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Publications Committee Officers Reports & AGM 
Article Museum and Archives Officers Reports & AGM 
Article Display at AGM 1997 Display 
Article RPSL Meeting - Somerset, Devon and Cornwall Meetings - RPSL 
Article Philatelic Newslines Notices - General 
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article Cape of Good Hope 1864-1902 the 'Hope' Rectangular Stamps, Designed by Charles Bell; Illustrated by Material From the De La Rue Archives PaperBertolaja, Antonio
Article Postal History of Egypt to 1900 by Samir A. Fikry Notices - General 
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article One Penny Red (1841) on Letter to Norway in 1852 PaperSnarvold, Harry
Article Internet News Notices - General 
Article Ship Letters Book Review 
Article Norwegian Unpaid Letters to France 1700-1875 Book Review 
Article Encyclopaedia of Rare and Famous Stamps: Volume 2 - the Biographies Book Review 
Article The Postmarks of Nyasaland and Malawi (Including British Central Africa) Book Review 
Article Nineteenth Century Wars in Egypt and the Sudan Book Review 
Article Norske in nenrikske Porto-Takster Og Gebyrer 1877-1995 (Norwegian in land Postage Rates & Fees 1877-1995) Book Review 
Article Literature Notes Notices - General 
Article Library Additions Library 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society London Meetings - RPSL 
Article Membership Membership News