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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
October 1999; Vol: 108 Iss: 1269
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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1 Oct 1999
Number of Pages:
Vol 108 Iss: 1269
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Associated Documents
October 1999; Vol: 108 Iss: 1269 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 32 Size: 15 MB
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Key Words 
Article Covers in Context - American History Illustrated 35: Hawaii - Kingdom to US Territory via Republic, in less than 10 years PaperPaton, Ian M
Article Philexfrance 99: World Philatelic Exhibition Paris 2-11 July 1999 Exhibition or Show 
Article Philatelic Newslines Notices - General 
Article Forthcoming Events Notices - General 
Article Gold Coast Overland Mail Routes: 1875 -1901 PaperNewroth, P R
Article The Strange Case of Willson's Downfall PaperCronin, A
Article The 1999 Rare Stamps of the World' Exhibition Exhibition or Show 
Article 81St Philatelic Congress of Great Britain Notices - General 
Article Literature Notices - General 
Article Johannes Vermeer: Klein in Omvang, Croat in Schoonheid, by Drewes Veenstra; [Vermeer: Small in Output; Great in Quality] Book Review 
Article Penguins, by D.L. Bekker Book Review 
Article Ukraine: Classic Trident Overprints, by Dr in gert Kuzych, Published by the Author at Po Box 3, Springfield, Va 22150, Usa, at $18; Card Covers, 8'/2X II, 108 Pp; ISBN 1-889581-12-7. Book Review 
Article The Impressed Duty Stamps of Great Britain, by Josef Schonfeld, William A. Barber and A. Frank Brown Book Review 
Article The Meier Franking Cancellations of Bangladesh, by Ishtiaque Ahmed Khan Book Review 
Article Political Campaign Stamps, by Mark Warda Book Review 
Article Handling the Mails at Corpus Christi, by Rex H. Stever Book Review 
Article Florida Stampless Postal History 1763-1861, by D.R. Briggs [Ed.] Book Review 
Article The Richard F. Winter Collection of US - France Mails by Steamship: 1838 to GPU Book Review 
Article Belgium: 1 July 1849 - 1 July 1999: 150 Year Jubilee of the Epaulettes, by L, De Clercq, FRPSL; Publ. June 1999 by Kp Waas Te Sint Niklaas; Softbound, 44P, A4, Unpriced, No ISBN. Book Review 
Article Literature Notes Notices - General 
Article Additions to the Library Library 
Article The O-Code Free Date Stamp Forgeries PaperGrimwood-Taylor, James Lawrence
Article The Royal in Essex & Suffolk: Meeting 20 November 1999 Notices - RPSL 
Article Programme Card : our Special Representative in Israel Notices - RPSL 
Article Christmas Vacation 1999 Notices - RPSL