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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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January-February 2000; Vol: 109 Iss: 1272
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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1 Feb 2000
Number of Pages:
Vol 109 Iss: 1272
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January-February 2000; Vol: 109 Iss: 1272 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 42 Size: 17 MB
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Key Words 
Article Election to Honorary Fellowship Membership News 
Article Election to Fellowships 1999 Membership News 
Article Appointment of Honorary Treasurer Notices - RPSL 
Article RPSL Ltd Notices - RPSL 
Article RPSL: Meeting of Surrey Members: 27 November 1999 Meetings - RPSL 
Article RPSL Country Meeting at Bournemouth Meetings - RPSL 
Article Royal Meeting at Vancouver, Canada: 20 November 1999 Meetings - RPSL 
Article The Royal in Essex & Suffolk: Meeting, 20 November 1999 Meetings - RPSL 
Article Forthcoming Society Meetings Notices - RPSL 
Article The Presidents' Dinner in 2000 Notices - RPSL 
Article RPSL Collections Notices - RPSL 
Article Forthcoming Regional Society Meetings Notices - General 
Article Planned Country Royal Meeting: Stretton, Nr Warrington, Cheshire Saturday, 11 March 2000 Notices - RPSL 
Article The Fifth Stuart Rossiter Memorial Lecture British Postal Reforms of 1837-41 PaperGoodwyn, C W
Article The National Philatelic Society: Centenary Celebrations Editorial 
Article Additions to the Library Library 
Article Philatelic Newslines Notices - General 
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article China 99 : Further in formation on Members' Awards Exhibition or Show 
Article Singapore: The Penny Black Public House Paper 
Article Presentation to Robin Startup, FRPSL of the NZ 'Rhodes Medal' Paper 
Article Polish Exile Mail in Great Britain 1939-1949 Book Review 
Article Timbres De France: Marianne 1849-1900: Catalogue Encyclopedique (French Stamps: Marianne Encyclopaedic Catalogue: 1849-1900) Book Review 
Article Bibliography of the Philately and Postal History of Natal and Zululand Book Review 
Article Lettland: Handbuch Philatelic Und Postgeschichte (Latvia: Handbook of Philately and Postal History): Die Stempel U. Postanstalten 1918-1940 (The Postmarks and Post Offices 1918-1940) Book Review 
Article India Post: index 1967-97 Book Review 
Article The indo-China Philatelist: Subject Index from 1981-1990 Book Review 
Article Rhodesian Study Circle Handbook Pan V: the Journal of the Rhodesian Study Circle Cumulative index 1948-1997 (Nos 1 to 184) Book Review 
Article The Anglo-Boer War Philatelist: Cumulative index to Volumes 1 to 40 Book Review 
Article Bibliotheksverzeichnis 1999 Book Review 
Article A Complete Overview of Japanese Occupation Stamps in Southeast Asia, Book Review 
Article Cameroun [Cameroon(S)]: the 1940 Overprints [Cameroun: Les Surcharges De I'An 40] Book Review 
Article Japanese Occupation Issues: the British Colonies 1942-1945, (1997 Edition) Book Review 
Article The 1907 'Emergency' Printings of Postage Stamps of New South Wales Book Review 
Article Danmark Frimaerkekatalog [Denmark: Postage Stamp Catalogue] 2000 Book Review 
Article Skandinavien Frimaerke Katalog [Scandinavia: Postage Stamp Catalogue} 2000 Book Review 
Article Royal Reform Book Review 
Article West African Censorship Book Review 
Article The Belgian Study Circle: the First Fifty Years Book Review 
Article Collect Irish Stamps: a Stanley Gibbons Checklist: Year 2000 (1St) Edition Book Review 
Article Correction Book Review 
Article Literature Notes Notices - General 
Article Canada PaperGoodwyn, C W
Article Norway: Sweden: the 'Mountains Post': a Postal Study PaperSnarvold, Harry
Article The National Youth Stamp Group Notices - General 
Article Death of Dr Enzo Diena, RDP, FRPSL Obituary 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society London Meetings - RPSL 
Article Deaths Membership News 
Article New Members Waiver of Entrance Fee Membership News 
Article Royal Meeting at WIPA 2000: Friday, 2 June 2000 Notices - General 
Article Greece: Hulot's Proofs of the Large Hermes Heads PaperAsimakopulos, Nicholas