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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
October 2000; Vol: 109 Iss: 1279
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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1 Oct 2000
Number of Pages:
Vol 109 Iss: 1279
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Associated Documents
October 2000; Vol: 109 Iss: 1279 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 42 Size: 23 MB
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Key Words 
Article Message From Your President Notices - RPSL 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society Election to Honorary Fellowship Membership News 
Article Committees of Council 2000-2001 Notices - RPSL 
Article The Sixth Stuart Rossiter Memorial Lecture Notices - General 
Article Additions to the Library Library 
Article What Price the Stamps of Amir Talal? PaperPatient, Joe
Article RPSL Country Meeting: Kent & Sussex: 20 August 2000 Meetings - Other Socs. 
Article France & Colonies Philatelic Society 50th Anniversary Display to the Royal 11 March 1999 Display 
Article Philatelic Newslines Notices - General 
Article The Kingdom of Hannover 1714-1866 PaperSimpson, Frank
Article Forthcoming Meetings Notices - RPSL 
Article The Stamp Show London 2000 Exhibition or Show 
Article Additions to the Library Library 
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article British Civilian Postage Rates of the 20th Century Book Review 
Article The 'Americana' Series: Reference Manual Book Review 
Article Pelos Mares Da China (Sailing the China Seas) Book Review 
Article St. Pierre & Miquelon: Specialized Stamp Catalog Book Review 
Article British Levant Study Paper 2: King Edward VII Issues Book Review 
Article The Postal History and Postage Stamps of the Tokelau/Union Islands Book Review 
Article Annals of the Postage Stamp Book Review 
Article Schweizerisches Luftpost-Handbuch (The Swiss Airmail Manual) 2000 Book Review 
Article Unusual Mail in Occupied France 1870-1871 Book Review 
Article British Censorship of Civil Mails During World War I: 1914-1919, Book Review 
Article The Hradcany Issue 1918-1920 Book Review 
Article Military Cards of the Exiled Czechoslovak Forces in France & Great Britain (1939-1945) Book Review 
Article Research Report: Quebec First North Shore Mail Flight 25.12.1927 Book Review 
Article Joshua Bacon: the Printer of Banknotes and the First Postage Stamps Book Review 
Article Catalogo Enciclopedico De Selos & Historia Postal Do Brasil (Encyclopaedic Catalogue of the Stamps & Ph of Brazil) From 1798 to 1890 Book Review 
Article Sardinia: Stamps of the 4th Issue Used in Monaco PaperPosteraro, Nicola
Article Catalogo Enciclopedico De Selos & Historia Postal Do Brasil (Encyclopaedic Catalogue of the Stamps & Ph of Brazil) From 1798 to 1890 Book Review 
Article Afghanistan 1840-1996: A Postal History Handbook Book Review 
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Article Literature Notes Notices - General