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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
May 2001; Vol: 110 Iss: 1285
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Publication year plus 90
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Publication Place:
UK : London
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Page Nos List:
1 May 2001
Number of Pages:
Vol 110 Iss: 1285
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Associated Documents
May 2001; Vol: 110 Iss: 1285 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 34 Size: 19 MB
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Key Words 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society London Election to Honorary Fellowship Notices - RPSL 
Article A Message From the Treasurer Notices - RPSL 
Article The Society's Medals 1999/2000 Membership News 
Article Hafnia 2001: Copenhagen RPSL Reception: A Date for Your Diary Notices - RPSL 
Article RPSL County Representatives Meeting: 21 March 2001 Notices - RPSL 
Article Forthcoming Displays Notices - General 
Article RPSL Display at Spring Stampex 2002 Call for Displays Notices - RPSL 
Article Additions to the Library Library 
Article Death of John Griffiths, RDP, FRPSL Obituary 
Article Forthcoming Events Notices - General 
Article Philatelic Newslines Notices - General 
Article Spring Stampex 2001: 28.2 - 4.3.2001 Exhibition or Show 
Article The Nations Cup: 2001 Exhibition or Show 
Article The Roll of Distinguished Philatelists Elections to the Roll in 2001 Notices - General 
Article The Rowland Hill Awards: 27 March 2001 Notices - General 
Article Amphilex 2002: Amsterdam: 30 August - 3 September 2002 Notices - General 
Article Here, There & Everywhere PaperSattin, Gerald
Article French Colonies Revenues (And Former Colonies Now in dependent)/North Africa and Middle-East Colonies, by Donald L. Duston: 2Nd Edn, 2000 Book Review 
Article Postal Censorship in Imperial Russia, by D.M. Skipton & P. Michalove Book Review 
Article Travelling Post Offices & Bag Tenders of Great Britain & Ireland; An Operational History From 1839 to 1959, by Allan Harvey Book Review 
Article Bibliografica Filatelica E Storico-Postale Ragionata Tuscana [Annotated Philatelic & Postal-History Bibliography for Tuscany], by V. Salierno Book Review 
Article The Falkland Islands Dependencies: the 1946 'Thick' Map Issue, by Larry Goldberg Book Review 
Article Min F0Debys Posthistorie - Over Feldborg 1624-1997 [Postal History of My Birthplace, Over Feldborg], by Hans Schonning Book Review 
Article Postryttaren [The Mail Rider]: the 50Th Annual Publication From the Postal Museum in Stockholm Book Review 
Article Literature Notes Notices - General 
Article France: The Pasteur Design 1923-1932 Its Origin, Development and Postal Usage PaperBarker, GE
Article Hire of the Society's Rooms Notices - RPSL 
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society London Meetings - RPSL 
Article Membership News Membership News 
Article Robin M. Startup, FRPSL PaperBerry, Allan Philip
Article News of Other Members Notices - RPSL 
Article Notice Notices - General