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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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September 2007; Vol: 116 Iss: 1348
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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1 Sep 2007
Number of Pages:
Vol 116 Iss: 1348
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September 2007; Vol: 116 Iss: 1348 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 44 Size: 18 MB
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Article Membership News Membership News 
Article The 1935 King George V Silver Jubilee Issue and the case of Northern Rhodesia PaperDrysdall, Alan R
Article Expert Committee Meeting Dates 2007-2008 Notices - RPSLPearson , PC
Article Letters to the Editor Correspondence 
Article Printing an Engraved Die or Plate PaperEibl-Kaye, Geoffrey
Article Regional Meeting at Radcliffe on Trent, 24 March 2007 Meetings - RPSLSiverns, Michael J
Article Forthcoming Meetings at No. 41 Notices - RPSL 
Article Algerian Presentation Album PaperStevenson, William Iain
Article Looking Back Philatelic NotesNegus, Ronald
Article GB Line Engraved Twopence Plate 6 of 1857-1858 PaperMoubray, Primrose Jane
Article Philatelic Newslines Notices - General 
Article Library News Library 
Article Catalogues Received Library 
Article États Pontificaux, Papal States, Stato Pontificio 1852-1870 by A. Barcella and G. Bizzarri Book Review 
Article 40 Years of Machins, A Timeline by Douglas Myall Book Review 
Article The History of the Cayman Islands Post Offices by Ivan Burges Book Review 
Article Letters from the Far West by Hugh P. Delaney, Book Review 
Article Postcards and Envelopes - Postal Dispatches sent during the Period 1998-2006; The A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communications - Olga & Alexander Florensky, Book Review 
Article Postryttaren Årsbok för Postmuseum 2007 - Årgång 57 Book Review 
Article Undercover Addresses of World War II by Charles R. Entwistle Book Review 
Article Edition d’or by Heinrich Köhler Auktionshaus GmbH, Book Review 
Article Customised Stamp Sheets of Great Britain by Graham Howard and Chris Potts Book Review 
Article The US Pacific Islands Bulletin Book Review 
Article Postempelcatalogus Nederlands-Indië 1864-1942 Catalogue of the Postmarks of the Netherlands East Indies by P. Storm van Leeuwen Book Review 
Article O.A.T. and A.V. 2 Markings by Murray Heifetz Book Review 
Article More Stamps and Story of the Faroe Islands by Don Brandt Book Review 
Article German Colonies and German colonial policy Volume 5 – Morocco and Turkey with the military mission and the Asia Corps. Atlas-handbook, catalogue of the postal cancellations by Hans-Henning Gerlach and Andreas Birken, Book Review 
Article The Post Offices of the Cape of Good Hope 1792- 1910, Volume 1 - Aasvogel to Kwelegha & Volume 2 - Ladygrey to Zwem Kuil by Franco Frescura, David Morrison, Lesley-Anne Morton and Michael Nethersole Book Review 
Article Rhodesia, The Bi-Coloured Double Heads 1910- 1914 by David C. Underwood Jr Book Review 
Article The Postal Stationery of the British South Africa Company 1890-1924 by Cliff Wheatley, Keith Hanman Colin Hoffman, Ian Johnstone and Robson Lowe, edited by Alan Drysdall Book Review 
Article The Workbook: Notes on reprints and forgeries of Colombian stamps, Part 2: The sovereign states of Colombia: Antioquia, Bolivar, Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Golima and Panamá by Dieter Bortfeldt Book Review 
Article Coordinator of Donations of Material for the Royal Notices - RPSL 
Article Diary of Forthcoming Events Notices - RPSL