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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
December 2008; Vol: 117 Iss: 1361
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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1 Dec 2008
Number of Pages:
Vol 117 Iss: 1361
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Associated Documents
December 2008; Vol: 117 Iss: 1361 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 44 Size: 12 MB
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Key Words 
Article Arab Kingdom of Syria Unconfirmed Early Overprints PaperKaczmarczyk, Alexander
Article Christmas Closure at No. 41 Notices - RPSL 
Article Italian Postal Stationery Overprinted AMG/VG PaperAuld, John F W
Article International Exhibitions Exhibition or ShowWalton, Frank Leslie
Article Baghdad British Occupation Stamps of 1917 PaperKhalastchy, Alfred
Article Accounts of Meetings: Season 2008-09 Meetings - RPSL 
Article Membership News Membership News 
Article Philatelic Collections Committee Notices - RPSL 
Article Dutch Mail in Times of Turmoil 1568-1815 and Related Subjects PaperAdema, Kees
Article Forthcoming Regional Meetings of the RPSL Notices - RPSL 
Article Spanish Weights and Currencies PaperBarling, Geoffrey Michael; Lewis, Geoffrey ;
Article British Postal Museum & Archive: Artwork from the Reign of George V Digitised Notices - General 
Article Forthcoming Meetings at No. 41 Notices - RPSL 
Article Indexes Received Library 
Article Library News Library 
Article Catalogues Received Library 
Article Carpatho Ukraine Postal History and Stamps 1786- 2000 by Ing. J. Verleg Book Review 
Article For and Against, from Napoleon in Italy to Garibaldi in France, Chronicle and Postal History, Last Period 1832-1871 by Edoardo P. Ohnmeiss Book Review 
Article Encyclopaedia of the Maltese Cross cancellations of Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 2 by S David Rockoff Book Review 
Article Hommage à Henry Cheffer 1880-1957, Graveur Dessinateur, Illustrateur by Jacques Bidet Book Review 
Article Postal Dogs by Salvador Bofarull Book Review 
Article The 1908 Olympic Games, the Great Stadium and the Marathon, A Pictorial Record by Bob Wilcock Book Review 
Article The Postal History of Costa Rica to 1883 by Richard C. Frajola and Frederick Mayer Book Review 
Article The Travelling Post Offices of Mexico by Dr. Thomas K. Todsen and Jay Grace Walmsley Book Review 
Article WW1 Civil Censorship in East Africa, Opened by Censor under Martial Law, Sealing Labels by Bill Clark Book Review 
Article Northern Rhodesia 1963: Apparent Double Printing PaperDrysdall, Alan R
Article Fellowship of the Royal Philatelic Society London Membership News 
Article Missent to Cape Town PaperDrysdall, Alan R
Article Index to Volume 117 Notices - GeneralWalton, Frank Leslie