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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
October 2009; Vol: 118 Iss: 1369
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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1 Oct 2009
Number of Pages:
Vol 118 Iss: 1369
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Associated Documents
October 2009; Vol: 118 Iss: 1369 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 36 Size: 16 MB
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Key Words 
Article British Youth Championships Notices - General 
Article Announcement of New Members as Approved by Council Membership News 
Article Announcement of Membership Applications Membership News 
Article Forthcoming Meetings of the RPSL Notices - RPSL 
Article Forthcoming Meetings at No. 41 Notices - RPSL 
Article Edinburgh Brunswick Star Cancellations PaperMorton, Robin Dundas Weir
Article Forthcoming Philatelic Events Notices - General 
Article The Royal Philatelic Collection: A Pacific Selection PaperSefi, Michael Richard
Article The President's Dinner - Friday 7 May 2010 Notices - RPSL 
Article Library News Library 
Article Catalogues Received Library 
Article Bergedorf, ses timbres et son histoire postale 1850- 1870; Stamps and postal history of Bergedorf, 1850-1870 by Hubert Caprasse and Serge Toulieff Book Review 
Article Bisected Circular Bilingual Daters by Stephen P.S. Yen Book Review 
Article Canada's Postage Stamps of the Small Queen Era 1870-1897 by John Hillson and J. Edward Nixon Book Review 
Article Catalogo degli Annulli Speciali Italiani 1871-1946 Catalogue of Italian Special Postmarks 1871-1946 by Paolo Gugllielminetti an Maurizio Tecardi for Associazione Nazionale Collezionisti Annullamenti Italiani Book Review 
Article Evolution of Cancellations from North East Provinces 1875-1932 by Yen Ping Sei Book Review 
Article A History of Scandinavian Pre-Postage Stamp Foreign Mail before 1868 by Gordon A. Hughmark Book Review 
Article Intercepted in Bermuda, The Censorship of Transatlantic Mail during the Second World War by Peter A Flynn Book Review 
Article Intercontinental Airmails. Volume 2, Asia and Australasia by Edward B. Proud Book Review 
Article The Large Queen Stamps of Canada and their Use by H.E. and H.W. Duckworth Book Review 
Article The Military Postal History of Ireland; Die Militärpostgeschichte von Irland by Heinz-Jürgen Kumpf Book Review 
Article A Postal History of the Arabian Gulf Post Offices, Volume 3, Oman Book Review 
Article The Postal Rates of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1878- 1918 by Alfred Kraut & Gerrit Matthijssen. Book Review 
Article Standard Bilingual Cancels - Dates by Josef Wagemakers Book Review 
Article ‘T for Tax’, ‘U for Underpaid’ by Richard Peck and Colin Salt Book Review 
Article Zur geschichte der philatelie in Gotha, Teil 3: 1962 bis 1990; History of philately in Gotha, Part 3: 1962 to 1990 by Kurt Link, Book Review 
Article Letter to the Editor Correspondence 
Article Corrections to July-August 2009 details Library 
Article South Australian Dead Letter Office Wax Seals of 1850s PaperGrimwood-Taylor, James Lawrence