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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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October 2012; Vol: 121 Iss: 1399
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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1 Oct 2012
Number of Pages:
Vol 121 Iss: 1399
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October 2012; Vol: 121 Iss: 1399 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 32 Size: 3 MB
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Article Accurate Count of the Penny Black Stamps per Plate PaperGranzow, Gary W.
Article Forthcoming Meetings at No. 41 Notices - RPSL 
Article 1849-1852 How the French Currency of Geneva became the Swiss Franc PaperVoruz, Jean André
Article Fellowship of the Society Notices - RPSLEarle, Christine A.
Article News from the Museum and Archive PaperHedley, E William L
Article An Unissued Jaipur Design PaperHoleton, David R
Article Festabend at the International Stamp Show in Sindelfingen 2012 Notices - GeneralMichelson, Dietrich Wilhelm
Article Accounts of Meetings: Season 2012-13 Thursday 13 September 2012 at 5 pm Her Majesty The Queen: A Further Pacific Selection from the Royal Philatelic Collection Meetings - RPSLKing, Christopher Miles Bertram
Article Announcement of New Members as Approved by Council Membership News 
Article Announcement of Membership Applications Membership News 
Article Deaths Membership News 
Article 50-Year and 30-Year Membership Appreciation Membership NewsKing, Birthe
Article Society Representatives Notices - RPSLKing, Birthe
Article Indonesia 2012 World Stamp Championship Jakarta Exhibition Results Notices - RPSLWalton, Frank Leslie
Article If This Book Should Dare To Roam . . . . Library 
Article Erratum Library 
Article Donation Library 
Article Catalogue Received Library 
Article Faux timbres et arnaques; Fake stamps and swindles by A.S.P.P.I., Book Review 
Article Newfoundland Fakes and Forgeries by Ed Wener Book Review 
Article Confederate Stamp Alliance Muster Roll & Handbook 2012 by Confederate Stamp Alliance Book Review 
Article Yesterday's Mail, A history of the Southampton and District Philatelic Society by J.F. Dorrington Book Review 
Article Zanzibar's postal history legacy by Gary A. DuBro, Book Review 
Article The George V Badge Issues of St. Helena and Ascension, a study of the printings and plate varieties by Ralph Stanton and Bill Thorpe Book Review 
Article Tax Discs of the British Isles by Chris Tennant and Ed Hitchings Book Review 
Article The Glasgow Penny Post 1800-1845 by William P. Cochrane Book Review 
Article Thomas Moore Musgrave 1774-1854, Postmaster of Bath: Secret Agent by Audrey Swindells MBE, Book Review 
Article Les rouleaux à l'effigie du Roi Baudouin 1er, type Marchand; Rolzegels met Beeltenis van Koning Boudewijn 1, type Marchand; Rolls bearing the effigy of King Baudouin I, Marchand type by Hubert Caprasse, Book Review 
Article Madagascar, Philatélie Malgache, Tome 1, Les Affranchissements; Madagascar, Malagasy philately, Volume 1, The Postmarks both by Dr. Jacques Desnos, Vol 1 Book Review 
Article Madagascar, Philatélie Malgache, Tome 2, Les Affranchissements; Madagascar, Malagasy philately, Volume 2, The Postmarks, Book Review 
Article Return to sender, devices used to identify service suspended mails during WWII by Michael Deery Book Review 
Article Forthcoming Meetings of the RPSL Notices - RPSL 
Article Forthcoming Philatelic Events Notices - General 
Article Nomination Proposal for Fellowship Notices - RPSL