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Date Loaded:
24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
July-August 2014; Vol: 123 Iss: 1417
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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Page Nos List:
1 Aug 2014
Number of Pages:
Vol 123 Iss: 1417
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July-August 2014; Vol: 123 Iss: 1417 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 56 Size: 15 MB
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Key Words 
Article The VOC Handstamp used at Cape of Good Hope PaperAdema, Kees
Article Non-Meeting Day Displays Notices - RPSLCopley, Mark
Article Telegraphic Use of the GB King George V £1 Green PaperHigson, Andrew W
Article Tanganyika Madame Joseph Variety PaperCartwright, Brian Michael
Article 19th Century Duplicate Letters PaperUnwin, Rodney T
Article Possible Reprint of Swaziland Philately to 1968 PaperSacher, S John
Article The Tilleard Tea Set PaperKing, Christopher Miles Bertram
Article Announcement of New Members as Approved by Council Membership News 
Article Announcement of Membership Applications Membership News 
Article Deaths Membership News 
Article Membership Secretary Notices - RPSLHedley, E William L
Article Crawford Seminar: Philatelic Conservation - 21 October 2014 Notices - RPSLBeech, David R
Article Programme for 2014-2015 Meetings - RPSLKing, Christopher Miles Bertram
Article Society Medal Winners PaperWalton, Frank Leslie
Article Fellowship of the Royal Philatelic Society London Notices - RPSLHedley, E William L
Article Streaming Video from RPSL Events Notices - RPSLKing, Christopher Miles Bertram
Article Wernamo 2015, Swedish National Exhibition at Varnamo Notices - GeneralWalton, Frank Leslie
Article Expert Committee – Fees for Certificates of Opinion PaperHarman, Christopher G
Article Royal Philatelic Society London: Reports to AGM Officers Reports & AGM 
Article Museum and Archives Notes PaperCopley, Mark
Article Accounts of Meetings: Season 2013-14 Meetings - RPSL 
Article Annual Accounts - Errata Notices - RPSLGooch, Nigel R N
Article RPSL Reception in Sindelfingen, Germany Notices - RPSL 
Article Library News Library 
Article RPSL Reception at Baltex in Malmo, Sweden Notices - RPSLKing, Birthe
Article Forthcoming Regional Meetings of the RPSL Notices - RPSL 
Article Forthcoming Philatelic Events Notices - General