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Date Loaded:
24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
September 1923; Vol: 32 Iss: 381
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Publication year plus 90
Copyright Deceased Year:
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Publication Place:
UK : London
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
1 Sep 1923
Number of Pages:
Vol 32/XXXII Iss: 381
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
September 1923; Vol: 32 Iss: 381 (No adverts)
 Pages: 24 Size: 2 MB
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Key Words 
Index Books and Journals: Proud, E.B.: The Postal history of British Malaya. Heathfield: the author,2nd ed. 2000. 3v. Additions and corrections   
Index Books and Journals: Proud, E.B.: The Postal history of British Malaya. Heathfield: the author,2nd ed. 2000. 3v. Additions and corrections   
Index Books and Journals: Proud, E.B.: Postal history of the Occupation of Malaya and British Borneo 1941-1946 Supplement   
Index Books and Journals: Norris, Andrew. Malaya: the Survey Department essays of 1934-35. Malaya Study Group, 1986.: Review   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Mosque issue, 2c: Plate numbers   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Mosque issue, 2c: Printings   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Mosque issue, 2c: Coils   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Mosque issue, 2c: Booklets   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1941 Issue   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Mosque issue, 2c: Specimens   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Mosque issue, 2c: Colour changes 1941   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Mosque issue, 2c: Papers   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Mosque issue, 2c: Numbers issued   
Index SELANGOR: Postal stationery, Envelopes   
Index SELANGOR: Postal stationery, Envelopes: Postcards   
Index SELANGOR: Postal stationery, Envelopes: Registration envelopes   
Index SELANGOR: Revenue stamps   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage rates: Postcards   
Index Postage rates: To 1900   
Index Postage rates: 1901-41   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage rates: Postcards   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1898/99 4c overprints   
Index UPU colour scheme   
Index SINGAPORE: Postage rates: Forces   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1903/04 New designs   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1902 KEVII Crown CA watermark   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1904/06 Multiple Crown CA watermark.   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1942 Single line chops: Pahang 2c overprinted   
Index Books and Journals: Lockhart, R.H.D. Postage stamps of Straits Settlements. London : Sefi, Pemberton   
Index PAHANG: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Sultan Abu Bakar issue, 8c variety: Japanese Occupation overprints   
Index PAHANG: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Sultan Abu Bakar issue, 8c variety: Unissued values   
Index Books and Journals: Proud, E.B.: The Postal history of British Malaya. Heathfield: the author,2nd ed. 2000. 3v.   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Postage stamps: First day covers   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Postage stamps: 10c   
Index Censor labels, World War 1   
Index GPO Penang (Penang)   
Index Penang: Covers: 1940s   
Index PERAK: Postage stamps: 1938/41 Issue: Coils   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1976 Butterfly Coil stamps   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1922 Malaya‑Borneo Exhibition issue: Varieties   
Index Postage stamps: : 2001 Greetings booklet   
Index Postage stamps: : 2001 Year of the Snake   
Index Postage stamps: : 1999 Maritime Heritage   
Index Postage stamps: Postal stationery: New issues 2000   
Index SINGAPORE: Postage labels: Speedpost Islandwide Courier   
Index Postage stamps: : 2001 Arts Festival   
Index Postage stamps: : 2001 Miniatures   
Index Postage stamps: : 2001 Pets   
Index Postage stamps: : 2001 Nature Series XI   
Index Postage stamps: : 2001 Flowers   
Index Postage stamps: : 2001-05 Fish definitives   
Index Postage stamps: : 2002 Year of the Horse   
Index Postage stamps: : 2001 Annual Album   
Index For postal stationery associated with a stamp issue: Postmarks: Slogans, To 1950: 2000-   
Index Lenggeng (Negri Sembilan)   
Index Books and Journals: Proud, E.B.: The Postal history of British Malaya. Heathfield: the author, v.2 1983.   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Prisoner of war mails: Bibliography   
Index Books and Journals: Tett, David. The postal history of the Prisoners of War and civilian internees in East Asia during the Second World War. Volume 1: The Changi Connection. Stuart Rossiter Trust Fund, 2001.   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900 issue: 5c Perak   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900 issue   
Index Prisoner of War mails: Bibliography   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Postage stamps: Plate varieties   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1937/41 KGVI issue: Varieties   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1886 3 Cents on 5c brown   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1885 3 cents overprints: Postal use   
Index PAHANG: Postage stamps: 1889 overprints   
Index Registration labels: Broadfoot type   
Index Kampong Buloh Akar (Perak)   
Index Layang Layang Kanan (Perak), Registration label   
Index Kuala Kangsar (Perak): Registration label   
Index Kuala Kurau (Perak): Registration label   
Index Membang-di-Awan (Perak)   
Index Ipoh (Perak): Registration labels   
Index Tapah (Perak): Registration label   
Index Tanjong Malim (Perak): Registration label   
Index Pengkalan Bharu (Perak)   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Mosque issue, 2c   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1892 ONE CENT overprints: Overprint settings   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1883/90 Selangor ovpts on 2c rose: Varieties   
Index PAHANG: Postage stamps: 1898/99 4c overprints   
Index JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1922/41 Script CA wmk issue: Plate numbers   
Index SINGAPORE: Postage rates: 2000s   
Index Ships: Pontoporos   
Index Ships: Emden   
Index Ships: Markomannia   
Index Ships: Exford   
Index Ships: Geier   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Prisoner of war mails, World War 1   
Index Singapore: Covers: 1910s   
Index Prisoner of War mails: World War 1   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Lauterbach, Captain   
Index For postal stationery associated with a stamp issue: Post offices and agencies: 1998-2007 changes   
Index Books and Journals: Hill, Alastair Campbell. Scences from Sumatra. Bath, 2002.   
Index SELANGOR: Revenue stamps: Judicial stamps   
Index Kulim (Kedah): CDS   
Index Penang: CDS: Double circle   
Index Penang: CDS: Malaya at base   
Index KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1912 Block CA wmk issue: Bisects 1919   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Postage stamps: Dates of issue   
Index Books and Journals: Proud, E.B.: The Postal history of British Malaya. Heathfield: the author,2nd ed. 2000. 3v. Additions and corrections   
Index Books and Journals: Easton. John. The De La Rue history of British and foreign postage stamps 1855‑1901. London : Faber & Faber,1958.   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1937/41 KGVI issue: $1 missing vignette   
Index Seremban (Negri Sembilan): Covers: 1940-99   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Postal stationery: 1935/41 issues: 2c postcard with 2c stamp added   
Index MALAYSIA: Registration labels   
Index Registration labels: British types 1950-1960   
Index Books and Journals: Mackay, James. Registered mail of the British Isles. Dumfries: The author, 1982   
Index Books and Journals: Lyons, William H. Singapore Post Offices and registration labels. Malaya Study Group. 1990.   
Index Rembia (Malacca)   
Index Kemaman (Trengganu): Registration labels   
Index Cheroh (Pahang)   
Index Asahan (Malacca)   
Index Ayer Kuning (Perak)   
Index Ayer Hitam (Negri Sembilan): Registration labels   
Index Batu Anam (Johore)   
Index Bakri (Johore), Registration label   
Index Bukit Besi (Trengganu)   
Index Batu Pahat (Johore): Registration labels   
Index Lenggong (Perak), Registration labels   
Index Kuala Rompin (Pahang)   
Index Kuala Trengganu (Trengganu): Registration labels   
Index Kukup (Johore)   
Index Parit (Perak)   
Index Ipoh East (Perak)   
Index Malim Nawar (Perak)   
Index Rengam (Johore)   
Index Petaling (Selangor)   
Index Siliau (Negri Sembilan)   
Index Slim River (Perak)   
Index Yong Peng (Johore)   
Index Senai (Johore)   
Index Pengerang (Johore)   
Index Pusing (Perak)   
Index Masjid Tanah (Malacca)   
Index Merlimau (Malacca)   
Index Kuala Klawang (Negri Sembilan), CDS: Registration label   
Index Benut (Johore)   
Index Ayer Bemban (Johore)   
Index Bukit Gantang (Perak)   
Index Baling (Kedah)   
Index Ayer Panas (Johore), Registration label   
Index Alor Star (Kedah): Mobile post office: Registration labels   
Index Genting Highlands (Pahang), Registration label   
Index Kota Bahru (Kelantan): Registration labels   
Index Dungun (Trengganu): Mobile post office, Registration label   
Index Chemor (Perak), Registration label   
Index Kerling (Selangor)   
Index Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Registration labels: :   
Index MINDEF, Kuala Lumpur, Registration label   
Index Kem Desa Pahlawan (Kelantan)   
Index Jalan Othman (Selangor)   
Index Jalan Bukit Ubi (Selangor), Registration label   
Index Pudu (Selangor)   
Index Ramuan China Besar (Malacca)   
Index Simpang Lima (Selangor)   
Index Ulu Tiram (Johore), Registration labels   
Index Sungei Patani (Kedah): Registration label   
Index Subang (Selangor), Registration label   
Index Stesyen Keretapi (Selangor), Registration label   
Index Penang P.O.   
Index Penang: Covers: To 1869   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Covers: Pre-stamp   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company   
Index PERAK: Picture post card   
Index PERAK: Postage rates   
Index Books and Journals: Kirk, R. British Maritime Postal History Heathfield: Proud-Bailey, 198-. v.2 The P & O Lines to the Far East.   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage rates: 1850-69   
Index Ships: Islander   
Index COCOS ISLAND: Barrel and Tin Can mails   
Index COCOS ISLAND: History   
Index COCOS ISLAND: Postal history   
Index SINGAPORE: Cachets: Instructional   
Index Postage stamps: Postal history: Undelivered mail 2002   
Index Singapore Post Centre (Singapore)   
Index Undelivered for reason stated. Return / to sender ... (Cachet)   
Index Singapore: Covers: 1990-2004   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900 issue: 3c Negri Sembilan   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900 issue: Settings   
Index Singapore: Covers: 1890s   
Index Singapore: Cancellations, Bar: Dotted postmarks   
Index Singapore: CDS   
Index Mengkarak (Pahang)   
Index Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Covers: 1940s   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal stationery: Postcards: Post-war use   
Index Benta (Pahang)   
Index Books and Journals: Proud, E.B.: The Postal history of British Malaya. Heathfield: the author,2nd ed. 2000. 3v.   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Stamp shortages   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Use of pre-war stamps   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Postal stationery: Pre-war type used   
Index Censor labels, World War 1   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Censorship: World War 1   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Censor marks: Labels   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1900 overprints: Used in Pahang   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Censor marks: World War 1   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: History: 1900-41: Mutiny 1915   
Index Penang: Censor labels   
Index Singapore: Censor labels, World War 1   
Index Singapore: CDS: Code letter at bottom   
Index Seremban (Negri Sembilan): Covers   
Index Seremban (Negri Sembilan): CDS: Double circle   
Index Penang: Censor marks   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal history: 1901-20   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Censorship, World War 1   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Peel, L   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Park, Dr. G.W.   
Index Penang: Registration labels   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2001 Sabah and Sarawak Beads   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2001 Quails and Partridges   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2001 Scented Flowers   
Index MALAYSIA: Registration labels: New types   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2001 Installation of Raja of Perlis   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2001 Cultural Instruments and Artifacts   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2001 Malaysian Vehicles   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2001 Bantams   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2001 XXI SEA Games   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2001 Dental Congress   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2001 Employees Provident Fund Anniversary   
Index Found loose in the post (Cachet)   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1900 overprints   
Index KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1919/21 50c and $1 ovpts.   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1918 unissued 4c on 3c   
Index Tidak di tuntut / Unclaimed (Cachet)   
Index Singapore: Tax markings   
Index Setem Denda Di Batalkan (Cachet)   
Index Pejabat Surat Mati...(Cachet)   
Index Ipoh (Perak): Cachets, Dead Letter Office   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1986 Postage dues: Cover