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12 Feb 2019 12:28:00
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January-February 2019; Vol: 128 Iss: 1462 Sup
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Publication year plus 90
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1 Feb 2019
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Vol 128 Iss: 1462/Sup
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January-February 2019; Vol: 128 Iss: 1462 Sup (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 88 Size: 72 MB
January-February 2019; Vol: 128 Iss: 1462 Sup (with adverts)
Buy  Pages: 88 Size: 76 MB
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Article The 150th Anniversary of The Royal Philatelic Society London LP Supplement EditorialRichard Stock, Frank Walton
Article Exhibits in Frame Number Order Editorial 
Article Exhibitor Index Editorial 
Article Subject Index Editorial 
Article Frames 2-11 The Royal Philatelic Society London Display 
Article Frames 12-16 King George V in Gibraltar - Now & Then DisplayStan Lawrence
Article Frame 17 Fiji The War Tax Period DisplayDavid Alford
Article Frames 18-19 KGV Postal Stationery of EAP / Kenya and Uganda DisplayVictoria Archard
Article Frame 20 Great Britain King George V Used in Morocco 1937 to 1939 DisplayJames Bendon
Article Frames 21-22 The Design, Production and Main Uses of South Africa's Union Commemoration Stamp in 1910 DisplayChristopher Board
Article Frames 23 to 27 Great Britain - King George V Postal Stationery in Postcard Format DisplayMaurice Buxton
Article Frame 28 Australia George V Three-Halfpence Red 1924-1926 DisplayPeter Clarkson
Article Frames 29-30 Silver Jubilee of King George V 1935: Cyprus Issue DisplayAkis Christou
Article Frame 31 50th Anniversary Issue of the British North Borneo (Chartered) Company 1931 DisplayPeter Cockburn
Article Frames 32-39 Bermuda King George V Stamps and their Uses DisplayDavid Cordon
Article Frames 40-41 Australian Postage Dues issued in the King George V Period DisplayAlan Cross
Article Frames 42-46 King George V Air Mail Issue of India DisplayMarkand Dave
Article Frames 47-54 New Zealand Definitive Stamps showing the Head of King George V DisplayAndrew Dove
Article Frames 55-59 Bridging Sydney DisplayChristine A. Earle
Article Frames 60-69 Australian King George V Postal Stationery and its Usage DisplayRoger Elliott
Article Frames 70-74 Undeliverable British Mail During the Reign of King George V DisplayRobert B. Galland
Article Frame 75 Antigua King George V Keyplate Issue DisplayPeter C. Ford
Article Frame 76 Barbados King George V Keyplate Issue DisplayPeter C. Ford
Article Frame 77 British Guiana King George V Keyplate Issue DisplayPeter C. Ford
Article Frame 78 British Virgin Islands King George V Keyplate Issue DisplayPeter C. Ford
Article Frame 79 Montserrat King George V Keyplate Issue DisplayPeter C. Ford
Article Frames 80-84 The Imperial Durbar Of Delhi DisplayParvesh Kumar Gupta
Article Frames 85-89 Great Britain King George V Post Office Books with Stamp and Air Mail panes DisplayIan Harvey
Article Frames 90-93 Great Britain Advertiser Voucher Copy Book of Stamps - 1911 to 1936 DisplayIan Harvey
Article Frames 94-98 British Borneo Air Mails 1926-1936 DisplayJon Higgins
Article Frames 99-103 Great Britain King George V Stamps used on Postal Stationery DisplayAlan K. Huggins
Article Frames 104-108 Great Britain Meter Franking First Type Meter Marks DisplayMike Jackson
Article Frames 109-113 Great Britain 1½d Letterpress Definitive 1912-1934 DisplayAllan Jones
Article Frames 114-121 India Postal Stationery Issued During the Reign of King George V DisplaySandeep Jaiswal
Article Frames 122-124 The First Air Mail Stamps of India 1929 DisplayPradip Jain
Article Frame 125 King George V Issues of India 1910-1936 DisplayPragya Jain
Article Frames 126-128 The George V Stamps of Great Britain overprinted Bechuanaland Protectorate DisplayGordon Jeffreys
Article Frames 129-132 Discovering Seahorse Uses DisplayBryan Kearsley
Article Frames 133-136 The Travels of the King George V Seahorses from the United Kingdom DisplayMike Kentzer
Article Frame 137 Baghdad Provisional Stamps 1917 and King George V DisplayFreddy Khalastchy
Article Frames 138-142 The Seahorse Overprints DisplayMartino Laurenzi
Article Frames 143-147 The Silver Jubilee of King George V The Commemorative Stamps of Canada DisplayNick Levinge
Article Frames 148-152 British Censorship of Civilian Mails during the Great War 1914-1919 DisplayGraham Mark
Article Frame 153 Dummy Stamps of King George V DisplayGlenn H. Morgan
Article Frames 154-159 An Introduction to the Australian King George V 1d Red Sideface Issue 1914 to 1922 DisplayColin Mount
Article Frame 160 9th Postal Union Congress, London 1929 DisplayAshley Shakeel Minto
Article Frame 161 Saving the Best Until Last - 1932 to 1936 DisplayAndrew Nixon
Article Frame 162 Nigeria 1917 Large Nyasaland Revenue Key Plates DisplayTaddeo Papi
Article Frame 163-165 Proofs, Specimens and Plates of Nigerian King George V Definitives DisplayTony Plumbe
Article Frame 166 Inauguration of the 1919-1920 Express Mail Service between London and Paris DisplayRené Paschke
Article Frames 167-168 Cayman Islands King George V Second Series DisplayJames Podger
Article Frames 169-176 Great Britain George V Commemorative Issues DisplayMary Pugh
Article Frame 177 King George V Lettercards of Great Britain DisplayNeil Sargent
Article Frames 178-182 Tristan da Cunha DisplayChris Rainey
Article Frames 183-190 Indian Fiscal Stamps 1820-1900 DisplayMoammed Kamal Safdar
Article Frame 191 King George V Photogravure From Trials to Issued Stamps DisplayPeter Tanner
Article Frame 192 King George V Seahorse Stamps used Overseas DisplayPeter Tanner
Article Frames 193-194 Fiji Stamps and Postal Stationery in the King George V Period DisplayJohn Ray
Article Frames 195-199 Great Britain King George V DisplayAlan Rogers
Article Frame 200 King George V Post Office Savings Bank Coupons and Savings Stamps DisplayTony Whitehead
Article Frames 201-203 New Zealand World War I War Tax Revenue Surcharge 1915-1920 DisplayBarry Scott
Article Frames 204-206 The 1921 Surcharges Issued at the British Post Office in Constantinople DisplayTony Stanford
Article Frames 207-209 Wings over the Sudan DisplayRichard Stock
Article Frames 210-214 A Study of the Fiscal usage of the Bicoloured Double Head Postal Stamps of Rhodesia 1910-1920 DisplayGunnar Strehmel
Article Frames 215-219 King George V and Men of his Navy in WWI DisplayTony Walker
Article Postscript: The Royal Philatelic Society London Editorial