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Source Ref:
Date Loaded:
12 Mar 2024 11:42:36
Item Information
Record Type:
Museum Archival
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
Pony Express Philatelie, cover, unused.
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Pony Express Philatelie (undefined)
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Number of Pages:
Item Alt No:
Pony Express Philatelie Undefined
Item Notes
RPSL AdLib Reference
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Key Words 
Index 1879–80 Key plate type Crown CC; 2½d red brown   
Index 1879–80 Key plate type Crown CC; 1d lilac mauve   
Index 1879–80 Key plate type Crown CC; 2½d red brown   
Index 1879–80 Key plate type Crown CC; 1d lilac mauve   
Index 1879–80 Key plate type Crown CC; 2½d red brown   
Index 1883–90 Key plate type Crown CA; ½d dull green   
Index 1883–90 Key plate type Crown CA; 1d dull rose   
Index 1883–90 Key plate type Crown CA; 2½d ultramarine   
Index 1883–90 Key plate type Crown CA; 4d blue   
Index 1883–90 Key plate type Crown CA; 6d green   
Index 1883–90 Key plate type Crown CA; 1s pale violet   
Index 1883–90 Key plate type Crown CA; 6d chestnut   
Index 1882 Key plate type Crown CA; 4d blue   
Index 1882 Key plate type Crown CA; 4d blue   
Index 16 Apr 1880 Key plate type Card; 1d   
Index 13 Aug 1879 Key plate type Card; 2½d   
Index 23 Feb 1881 Key plate type Card; 6d   
Index 18 Jul 1882 Key plate type Card; 1s   
Index 20 Dec 1882 Key plate type Card; 4d   
Index 5 Oct 1883 Key plate type Card; ½d   
Index 1861 Medicinal spring Grey; 4d rose   
Index 1861 Medicinal spring Grey; 1s green   
Index 1 Aug 1883 Keyplate 1d lilac, 2½d red brown, 4d blue, 6d, green as issued stamps, and stamps with blank tablets rose, ultramarine, grey, chestnut   
Index 1882–90 Keyplate Crown CA; ½d dull green   
Index 1882–90 Keyplate Crown CA; 1d dull rose   
Index 1882–90 Keyplate Crown CA; 2½d ultramarine   
Index 1882–90 Keyplate Crown CA; 4d grey   
Index Oct 1888 Keyplate Crown CA; 6d chestnut   
Index Feb 1890 Keyplate Crown CA; 1s pale violet   
Index 1882–90 Keyplate Crown CA; 6d green   
Index 1882 Keyplate Crown CA; 1d lilac-mauve   
Index 1882 Keyplate Crown CA; 4d blue   
Index 1882 Keyplate Crown CA; 6d green   
Index 1882 Keyplate Crown CA; 1d lilac-mauve   
Index 1882 Keyplate Crown CA; 1s pale violet