Index |
4 Nov 1873 QV
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1857–64 QV First DLR Issue Blue glazed paper, no wmk; ½d reddish lilac. Imperf
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1858–64 QV Second DLR ½d White glazed paper, no wmk; ½d dull mauve. Imperf
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1870–71 QV Final DLR ½d Thin soft paper. 1st Crown CC; ½d reddish lilac. perf. 12½.
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1861–72 QV First permanent receipt stamp Blued; 1d lilac
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1 Jan 1862 QV Provisional specimen, replaced by (1) above White glazed; ½d lilac overprinted.
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1861–72 QV Another copy of (1) above blued;
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1872 QV New design for receipt stamp White paper; 5c deep reddish-lilac
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1862–71 QV 1st DLR set of values All except 1s thin white soft paper. Crown CC.; 1d, 2d, 5d, 6d, 10d, 4d, 8d, 9d, 2s perf. 12½, 1s perf. 13
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Index |
1869 QV Ovpt. 'service' by DLR 2d, 6d, 8d, 1s, 2s, 1d, 3d.
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Index |
1867–71 QV New designs & new 3d value Crown CC perf 14; 1d blue & 3d carmine-rose
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Index |
1872–80 QV First DLR ‘Cents Issues’ Crown CC perf 14; 2c, 4c blue, 4c rosy-mauve, 8c, 16c, 24c, 32c, 36c, 48c, 64c, 90c, 2r 50c.
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1863–68 QV ½d to 2s
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1862–65 QV First Crown CC issue Thin soft paper perf 12½; 1d deep blue, 8d reddish-brown, 2s steel blue (deep shade)
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1862–71 QV Receipt stamp Thin glazed card; 1d violet
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1862–71 QV Receipt stamp White 1d red
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1862 QV Smooth paper no wmk. perf 13 1d dull blue, 6d deep brown
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1863–65 QV Medium thin soft paper Tall CC; ½d dull mauve (3), ½d mauve (7), ½d red-lilac (10 & 11).
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Index |
1866–68 QV White, Crown CC 3d rose perf. 12½, 1d blue perf. 14, 3d carmine-rose perf. 14.
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1863–66 QV Medium this soft paper Tall CC perf 12½; 4d (SG 52b), 1d (SG 49), 2d (SG 50), 2d (SG 51), 5d (SG 53), 8d (SG 56)
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Index |
1867–70 QV Thin hand-made paper Short CC; 2d ochre, 5d yellow-olive, 5d olive-green, 6d red-brown, 10d red-orange, 4d rose-carmine, 2d ochre, 5d bronze-green (2?), 1s reddish-violet, 10d red-orange, 2s deep blue, 8d chocolate, 8d lake-brown, 2s steel-blu
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16 Jun 1864 QV Medium thin soft paper Tall CC; 6d reddish-brown
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29 Nov 1865 QV Medium soft paper Tall CC; ½d reddish-lilac
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29 Nov 1865 QV Medium soft paper Tall CC; 1d deep blue
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29 Nov 1865 QV Receipt stamp Blued paper; 1d lilac (reddish shade)
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18 Dec 1866 QV Medium thin slightly soft paper. Tall CC; 1d deep blue, 8d reddish-brown, 2s deep steel-blue, 2d ochre, 4d rose-carmine
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28 Feb 1867 QV Medium thin slightly soft paper. Tall CC; ½d mauve
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Index |
28 Feb 1867 QV Specially produced hand-made paper, very thin & hard. Short CC; 1d deep blue, 3d carmine-rose, 4d rose-carmine, 5d bronze-green, 8d lake-brown, 10d red-orange, 2s deep blue
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28 Feb 1867 QV Medium thin slightly soft paper. Tall CC; ½d reddish-lilac
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30 Aug 1867 QV Medium thin soft paper Tall CC; ½d reddish-lilac
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Index |
1867–71 QV Thin hand-made paper. Tall CC; ½d reddish-lilac, 1d deep blue, 2s deep blue, 3d carmine-rose, 4d rose, 5d olive-green, 8d lake-brown, 10d vermilion
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1867–71 QV Thin hand-made paper. Tall CC; ½d reddish-lilac, 1d dull blue, 10d orange
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Index |
1867–71 QV Thin hand-made paper. Tall CC; ½d reddish-lilac, 1d deep blue, 2d orange, 3d rose-carmine, 4d rose carmine, 5d olive-green, 2s steel blue, 10d reddish-orange, 8d lake-brown
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29 Nov 1865 QV Revenue stamp white; 1d lilac (reddish shade)
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Feb 1868 QV Thin hand-made paper. Tall CC; ½d reddish-lilac, 1d deep blue, 2d orange, 3d rose-carmine, 4d rose carmine, 5d olive-green, 2s steel blue, 10d reddish-orange, 8d lake-brown
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Index |
31 Jul 1868 QV Thin hand-made paper. Tall CC; ½d reddish-lilac, 1d blue, 2d orange, 3d rose-carmine, 4d rose carmine, 5d olive-green, 2s steel blue, 10d orange, 8d lake-brown
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Index |
22 Dec 1868 QV Tall CC; 3d rose-carmine, 2d yellow, 8d chocolate, 6d deep brown
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Index |
1869–71 QV Medium thin soft. First CC wmk; ½d reddish-lilac
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1869–71 QV Thin hand-made paper. Tall CC; 1d blue, 2d orange, 4d rose carmine, 5d olive-green, 9d brown, 10d orange
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Index |
1869–71 QV Thin hand-made paper. Tall CC; 2d orange, 3d rose-carmine, 4d rose carmine, 5d olive-green, 6d deep brown, 8d lake-brown, 9d brown, 10d orange, 1s reddish-purple, 2s steel blue,
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Index |
1869–71 QV Thin hand-made paper. Tall CC; ½d reddish-lilac (previous issue), 1d blue, 2d orange, 4d rose carmine, 5d bronze-green, 8d lake-brown, 9d bistre-brown, 10d orange,
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Index |
1869–71 QV Thin hand-made paper. Tall CC; ½d reddish-lilac, 3d rose-carmine, 6d blackish-brown, 1s reddish lilac
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Index |
1869–71 QV Thin hand-made paper. Tall CC; 1d blue, 2d orange, 3d rose-carmine, 4d rose carmine, 5d olive-green, 6d deep brown, 8d lake-brown, 9d brown, 10d orange, 1s reddish-purple, 2s steel blue,
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Index |
1869–71 QV Thin hand-made paper. Tall CC; ½d reddish-lilac, 1d blue, 2d orange, 3d rose-carmine, 4d rose carmine, 5d olive-green, 6d deep brown, 8d lake-brown, 9d brown, 10d orange, 1s reddish-purple, 2s steel blue,
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Index |
Jun 1872 QV Receipt stamp White/blue; 5c reddish lilac
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Index |
1870–71 QV Thin hand-made paper. Tall CC; ½d reddish-lilac, 1d blue, 2d orange, 3d rose-carmine, 4d rose carmine, 5d olive-green, 6d deep brown, 8d lake-brown, 9d brown, 10d orange, 1s reddish-purple, 2s steel blue,
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Index |
1870–71 QV Thin hand-made paper. Tall CC; ½d reddish-lilac, 1d blue, 2d orange, 3d rose-carmine, 4d rose carmine, 5d olive-green, 6d deep brown, 8d lake-brown, 9d brown, 10d orange, 1s reddish-purple, 2s steel blue,
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1871 QV Thin hand-made paper. Crown CC; ½d reddish-lilac, 3d rose-carmine, 4d rose carmine, 5d olive-green
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Index |
1868–71 QV Crown CC; 1d blue
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1892? QV Postal stationery 2c red
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1872 QV Postal stationery
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15 Oct 1878 QV Postal stationery 2c
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27 Apr 1875 QV Revenue Crown CC; Rs 500 bistre
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Index |
1876–77 QV Crown CC; 32c blue & slate
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Index |
1898–99 QV Crown CC; 1R.50c red & brown
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Index |
1879–99 QV Crown CC except 2R.50c purple/red Crown CA; 1R.12c on Rs2.50c dull rose, 1R.12c dull rose, 1R.50c on Rs2.50c slate, 1R.50c rose, 2R.25c on Rs2.50c yellow, 2R.25c blue, 2R.50c dull rose, 2R.50c purple/red
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Index |
1872–99 QV Crown CC; 2c pale brown
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Index |
1872–99 QV Crown CA; 2c dull green, 2c red-brown
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Index |
1893–99 QV Crown CA; 3c terracotta & blue-green, 3c deep green
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Index |
1872–99 QV Crown CC; 4c grey
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1872–99 QV Crown CA; 4c rosy mauve, 4c rose, 4c yellow
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Index |
1885 QV Provisional issue Crown CA; 5c on 8c lilac, 10c on 24c brown-purple, 15c on 16c orange-yellow, 28c on 32c slate, 30c on 36c olive-green, 56c on 96c drab
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Index |
1872–77 QV First decimal set Crown CC; 8c orange-yellow, 8c yellow, 16c pale violet, 24c green, 32c slate, 36c blue, 48c rose, 64c red-brown, 96c drab
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Index |
1886 QV New values Crown CA; 5c dull purple, 15c sage green, 25c yellow-brown, 28c slate
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Index |
1884 QV Crown CA; 24c brown-purple
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Index |
1893 QV Crown CA; 30c bright mauve & chestnut
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Index |
1899–1900 QV Crown CA; 6c rose & black, 12c rose & sage-green, 15c blue, 75c black & red-brown
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Index |
1872–79 QV Crown CC; 2c pale brown, 4c grey, 8c orange, 16c violet, 24c green, 32c slate, 36c blue, 48c rose, 96c drab, Rs2.50c dull rose
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Index |
1878 QV Rs2.50c
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Index |
1881 QV 4c
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Index |
1883–98 QV Crown CA; 2c dull green, 4c carmine-rose, 8c orange-yellow
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Index |
1885 QV
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Index |
1886 QV Crown CA; 15c, 25c, 28c
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Index |
1885 QV 5c dull purple
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1886 QV Crown CA; 5c dull purple
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Index |
1888 QV 5c dull purple
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Index |
1891 QV 5c dull purple
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Index |
1883 QV 2c (2), 4c (2), 8c, 16c, 24c (2), 32c, 36c (2), 48c (2), 64c, 96c, Rs2.50c.
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Index |
1885 QV Crown CA; 5c on 10c lilac, 10c on 24c brown-purple
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Index |
1884–85 QV Crown CA; 5c dull purple
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Index |
1884–85 QV 10c
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Index |
1884–85 QV 15c
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1884–85 QV 25c
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1884–85 QV 28c
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Index |
1884–85 QV 30c
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Index |
1884–85 QV Crown CA; Rs1.12c dull rose
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Index |
1884–85 QV 56c
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Index |
1884–85 QV
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Index |
1885 QV 2c, 4c, 5c, 8c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 28c, 30c, 35c, 56c
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Index |
1885–87 QV Crown CC; Rs2.50 dull rose
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Index |
1885 QV Card; 25c reddish-lilac
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Index |
1885 QV Card; 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 28c, 30c, 35c, 56c
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Index |
1885 QV Card; 15c
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Index |
1885 QV Card; 15c
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1885 QV Card; 15c
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Index |
1885 QV Card; 15c
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1886 QV Card; 10c brown, 28c blue
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Index |
1867 QV Glazed card; 1d
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Index |
1872–80 QV Glazed card; 2c, 4c, 8c, 16c, 24c, 32c, 36c, 48c, 64c, 96c
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Index |
1886 QV White 30c bright mauve & chestnut
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Index |
1886–93 QV White/orange- buff; 15c, 25c, 28c, 3c
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Index |
1888 QV Black
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Index |
1898 QV White Rs2.50
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Index |
1898 QV White Rs2.50
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Index |
1887–1900 QV Crown CC (high vals) Crown CA (others); R1.12, 2c, 3c (2), 4c, 6c, 12c, 15c, 30c, 75c (2), R1.50
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Index |
1899 QV Black
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Index |
1899 QV Crown CC; Rs2.25 dull blue
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Index |
1899 QV Crown CA; Rs2.50 purple on red
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1885 QV R1.12
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1898 QV
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Index |
1898 QV
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Index |
1899 QV White card; R1.50c
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1899 QV White card; R1.50c
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Index |
1899 QV White
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Index |
1899 QV White R1.50c
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Index |
1899–1900 QV White
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Index |
1899 QV White;
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1899 QV White;
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1899 QV White;
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Index |
1902 KE7 White card 2c, 5c
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1910 KE7 Postal stationery White card 2c, 6c
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1903 KE7 white;
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Index |
1903 KE7 Orange buff; 4c, R1.50, Rs2.25
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Index |
1903 KE7 white;
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Index |
1903 KE7 Buff card; 6c orange & deep purple
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Index |
1903 KE7 Black
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Index |
1903 KE7 2c, 5c, 6c (all black)
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Index |
1903 KE7 30c, 75c, R1.50 and Rs2.25
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Index |
1903–05 KE7 Crown CA; 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6c, 12c, 15c, 25c, 30c, 75c, R1.50 and Rs2.25
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Index |
1910 KE7 White card; black
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1910 KE7 Buff card; 5c
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Index |
1907 KE7 White 5c black
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1907 KE7 White 6c black
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1908 KE7 White MCCA; 5c dull purple, 5c deep purple, 6c carmine
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Index |
1910–11 KE7 White MCCA; 2c, 3c, 10c, 25c, 50c, R1, Rs2, Rs5, Rs10
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Index |
1911 KG5 5c
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1911 KG5 Rs500
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1912 KG5 White 5c black
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1921–27 KG5 White MSCA; 3c green, 3c grey, 5c red, 6c carmine, 6c bright violet
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Index |
1918–22 KG5 White 1c black, 3c black, 6c black
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Index |
1927 KG5 White MSCA; 1c brown
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1926 KG5 White 9c red on pale yellow
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Index |
1912–25 KG5 White MCCA; 1c, 2c, 3c, 5c, 6c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 30c, 50c, R1, Rs2, Rs5, Rs10, Rs20, Rs100
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1924 KG5 White card; Rs1000 black
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1912 KG5 White card; black
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1912 KG5 White card; Rs100 black
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Index |
1912–25 KG5 White 2c, 30c, 50c, R1, Rs2, Rs5, Rs10, Rs20, Rs50, Rs100, RS500, Rs1000
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Index |
1912–27 KG5 White MSCA; 1c, 5c, 10c, 25c, 30c, Rs50
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Index |
1927–29 KG5 White R1 (5), RS100 dull purple & blue
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Index |
1922–25 KG5 White MSCA; 3c, 6c, 9c, 12c, 15c, 20c, Rs100
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Index |
1927–29 KG5 White MSCA; R1, Rs2, Rs5, Rs10, Rs20 & Rs100
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Index |
1935–36 KG5 Pictorial Issue White MSCA; 2c black & carmine, 3c black & olive-green, 20c black & grey-blue, 50c black & mauve
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Index |
1935–36 KG5 Pictorial issue White MSCA; 2c black & carmine, 3c black & olive-green, 20c black & grey-blue, 50c black & mauve
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Index |
1935 KG5 Silver Jubilee White MSCA; 6c ultramarine & grey, 9c green & indigo, 20c brown & deep blue, 50c slate & purple
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1934 KG5 Silver Jubilee black
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1938 KG6 Pictorials White MSCA; 2c black & carmine, 3c black & deep blue-green, 5c sage-green & orange, 50c black & mauve, Rs5 green & purple
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Index |
1954 QE2 Royal Visit Wmk. Lotus flowers & 'Sri' 10c
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Index |
1954 QE2 Royal Visit Wmk. Lotus flowers & 'Sri' 10c blue
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Index |
1954 QE2 Royal Visit Wmk. Lotus flowers & 'Sri' 10c
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Index |
1954 QE2 Royal Visit Wmk. Lotus flowers & 'Sri' 10c deep blue
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Index |
1949 KG6 U.P.U. Wmk. Lotus flowers & 'Sri' 5c brown & bluish-green, 15c black & carmine, 25c black & ultramarine
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Index |
1880 QV Telegraph stamps Thin card; 20c black & green, 20c green, orange & pink, 40c brown & orange, 60c green & orange, 80c violet & orange
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Index |
1880 QV Telegraph stamps Wide CA over Crown; 12c yellow-bistre, 25c blue- green, 50c blue, R1 red-brown, Rs2.50 slate-grey, Rs5 orange, Rs10 reddish lilac, Rs25 bright rose, Rs50 brown-rose
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Index |
1880 QV Telegraph stamps 12c, 25c, R1, Rs2.50, Rs5, Rs10, Rs25, Rs50
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Index |
1903 KE7 Telegraph stamps Wide CA over Crown; 10c bluish-green & ochre, 12c olive & green, 20c drab & purple, 25c green, 40c purple & brown, 50c blue & purple, 60c olive & ochre, 75c pale blue & blue, R1 red-brown, RS2.50 slate & ochre, Rs5 orange & carmine, Rs10 red-p
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Index |
1903 KE7 Telegraph stamps Glazed card; black
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Index |
1903 KE7 Telegraph stamps Glazed card 25c black
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Index |
1903 KE7 Telegraph stamps White 5c, 25c, 75c (6)
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Index |
1903 KE7 Telegraph stamps White 75c (7)
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Index |
1903 KE7 Telegraph stamps White 5c (3), 75c (9)
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Index |
1903 KE7 Telegraph stamps White 5c (7), 75c (8)
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Index |
1903 KE7 Fiscals - stamp duty White card; Black
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1875–76 QV Fiscals - stamp duty Buff card; 2c blue, Rs500 rose
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Index |
1903 KE7 Fiscals - stamp duty Buff card; 5c, 25c, R1 all brown/purple
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1875 QV Fiscals - stamp duty White glazed; 1c, 2c, Rs500, Rs1000
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1874 QV Fiscals – Foreign Bill White glazed card; Black
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1879 QV Postal stationery White card 12c blue
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1903 KE7 Fiscals – Foreign Bill White glazed card; Black
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Index |
1871–72 QV Fiscals - stamp duty White 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c, R1, Rs2, Rs5, Rs10, Rs20, Rs50, Rs100
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1871–72 QV Fiscals – Indian Court Fee White 12as, 6as, 3as
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1884–87 QV Postal stationery Card 5c light-grey-blue
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1878–79 QV Postal stationery White card; 2c
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1889–90 QV Postal stationery Card 15c
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Index |
1903 KE7 Fiscals - stamp duty White 5c (8), 25c (7)
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Index |
1903–07 KE7 Fiscals - stamp duty Wide CA over Crown; 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c, Rs2, Rs5, Rs10, Rs20, Rs50(2), Rs100, Rs500
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Index |
1902–03 KE7 Fiscals - stamp duty Card black
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